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BlackJaguarBlackJaguar Do you know anything about black jaguar? Well I do and let me tell you a few facts about them!

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2 BlackJaguarBlackJaguar

3 Do you know anything about black jaguar? Well I do and let me tell you a few facts about them!

4 reproduction  A black jaguar stays with his mother for 90 to 105 days.  Black jaguars are born with their eyes and ears closed.  Female panthers give birth at 2 and ½ years old.  Average size of a littler is 3.

5 Physical traits o Black jaguars are black because it got passed down from birth. o They weigh 76-350 lbs. o They have small heads, sharp jaws, and shiny green eyes. o Size:43-75 inches. o They blend in at night

6 Food web  Predators: Human, lion, and hyena.  They can take down a giraffe and a antelope.  They can catch medium size prey at nine months.  Prey: Deer, tapir, and wild boar.

7 INTERESTING FACTS They can run up to 50 mph. They live in forest, swamp land, and grass land. The black jaguar loves to swim and be in water. Panthers are the best tree climbers in the big cat family. Class: mammalian. Kingdome: Animally. They are endangered from people killing them. Life style: nocturnal.

8 INTERESTING FACTS CONTiNUED Home: understory/they sleep on branches. Life span 12-15 years. They are one of the smartest and most vicious predators in South America. Leopards and jaguars are related to each other. The black panther is a very powerful animal They have started to feed on live stock.

9 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Madison for helping me spell things. Pablo helped me do effects and other things. Mrs. Anderson especially for helping me complete everything in the range of my research to my project.

10 That is the end

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