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Surviving a Care 2.0 World Lynda Kate-Smith General Manager, VP, Care Nuance.

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2 Surviving a Care 2.0 World Lynda Kate-Smith General Manager, VP, Care Nuance

3 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 3 The Rise of the Consumer WORLD POPULATION GROWTH 0 2 4 6 8 10,000 BC 6,000 BC 4,000 BC 2,000 BC 20071955 Time (Gregorian Calendar) World Population (billions) 3.9 Billion Wireless Subs 3.9 Billion Wireless Subs 6.8 Billion People 6.8 Billion People 1.1 Billion Line Subs 1.1 Billion Line Subs World Population Fixed-Line Subscribers Wireless Subscribers ‘09 1956 The first fully automatic mobile phone system - Ericsson ‘082010 Nuance Confidential

4 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 4 The Reality of Numbers 79.8B Global Inbound Call Volume Nuance Confidential

5 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 5 Dynamics You Need to Care About First = Social Dynamic Second = Business Dynamic Nuance Confidential

6 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 6 Technology Has Caused Significant Changes in the World of Customer Care Increasing influence of consumers on public opinion Broadening consumer expectations for convenience and information access Increasing consumer expectations of access to information Increasing consumer independence to get information Search Consumers are empowered to get information on their own terms Consumers have the power to compare information sources Community Means of communication is at an all time high through peer networks and increasing media interest Mobility Personal mobile devices are increasingly common which drives timely and portable information access Web The Web drives 24/7 access to information The company controls and pushes out information EXPECTATIONS INDEPENDENCE ACCESS INFLUENCE Significant Changes CARE 1.0CARE 2.0 Nuance Confidential

7 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 7 Customers Are Now in Charge The company has the power in relationships The customer has the power in the relationship CARE 1.0CARE 2.0 Nuance Confidential

8 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 8 Customers Not Afraid to Take Action 73% 75% …of consumers stopped doing business with a company because of a poor experience with its customer service department. …of consumers said they took action in response to a bad experience, including 59%, who canceled an order for a product or service. Source: Harris Interactive, 2007; RightNow Technologies, 2006 9 Out of 10 respondents reported having a negative customer experience within the past year. Nuance Confidential

9 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 9 Collapsing Product Lifecycles The Velocity of Innovation Is Collapsing Product Lifecycles 9 Months to 1 Year “ready, set, DONE! Traditional differentiators are loosing their power: –Price –Features –Quality Evidence suggests any innovation taking place today is only good for about a year Nuance Confidential

10 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 10 Differentiation Differentiation is based on great products Companies focus on product and service differentiation from their competition Differentiation is based on great service Companies realize that the time from innovation to commoditization is rapidly decreasing and customer experience is potentially the only factor to gain and sustain competitive advantage How is a Company Differentiated From the Competition? CARE 1.0CARE 2.0 Nuance Confidential

11 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 11 Experience-Based Differentiation Source: Brand Keys, Forrester Experience-Based Differentiation is Here to Stay “As products and services have become commoditized, the ability to keep consumers engaged is based on drivers other than product and price,” said Robert Passikoff, president of Brand Keys, a New York-based research firm that specializes in assessing brand loyalty. “More and more, customer service is taking on a larger contribution of purchasing decisions.” “Customer facing managers are taking a harder look at how new processes and services affect the end customer experience. We found that 60% felt that it was ‘critical’ and 36% felt that it was ‘very important’ to improve the customer experience.” Nuance Confidential

12 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 12 We’re Operating in a New World CARE 2.0 EXPECTATIONS INDEPENDENCE ACCESS INFLUENCE Care 2.0 is a new environment in customer care in which companies are required to satisfy the expectations of increasingly savvy, highly mobile customers who feel entitled to great service and whose voices are amplified in the market. Care 2.0 World Nuance Confidential

13 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 13 Customer Care Operation Web Retail Location Advertising and PR Inside Sales Direct Marketing Media Care Operation Care Operation To the customer experience To business performance To enhance the brand To enterprise growth objectives In a Care 2.0 World Customer Care Operation Plays Pivotal Role Nuance Confidential

14 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 14 Contacting Customer Service Phone-based access to customer service – agent or automated – remains the dominant method of contacting customer service The Phone Remains the Most Influential Customer Service Channel When contacting a company, what customer service methods do you use? Nuance Confidential

15 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 15 Care Solution Who is the Care Solution Designed For? CARE 1.0CARE 2.0 The company has designed care solutions for the convenience of the company –Self-service is self-serving Care solutions are designed for the convenience of the customer –Self-service is customer-serving CONTAINMENT RATE COMPLEX MENU TREES LONG HOLD TIMES FRONT DOOR AS GATEKEEPER MULTIPLE CHANNELS INTUITIVE NAVITATION 24/7 ACCESS FRONT DOOR AS CONCIERGE Nuance Confidential

16 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 16 Customer Service Quality With 80 % reporting that quality of service is “extremely” or “very” influential, there is no question that customer service greatly impacts the perception of a company. Influence of Customer Service Quality How influential is customer service on your perception of a company? Nuance Confidential

17 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 17 Brand Expectations BRAND EXPECTATION BRAND EXPECTATION REALITY GAP Brands set expectations of a particular customer experience – implicitly and explicitly. Brands set expectations of a particular customer experience – implicitly and explicitly. The goal is to close the gap between expectation & reality. Issues stem from the inconsistency of what is projected & what is realized. Think of Service As an Integral Part of the Brand Source: Gartnerr Nuance Confidential

18 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 18 Experience Innovation Customer-Centricity Impact Source: Adapted from Jeanne Bliss, Chief Customer Officer Developing an Experience That is Connected to the Product CARE 1.0CARE 2.0 Nuance Confidential

19 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 19 Experience Innovation What is the need? want? one up? Thinking about your care operation, how would you answer the above? Developing the Innovative Experience CARE 1.0CARE 2.0 Nuance Confidential

20 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 20 Customer Service Expectations 64% of consumers expect service departments to have accurate information about their accounts or customer service issue What Do Consumers Expect From Customer Service? What factors are most important when contacting a customer service department? Nuance Confidential

21 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 21 Automation Consumers are comfortable with automation for general information & transactions Rate your comfort with performing each action through a phone-based automated system Automate the Right Tasks Nuance Confidential

22 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 22 When using phone-based automated systems, why do you find them to be effective? There is Good News… Consumers are Willing to Use Automated Systems Automation Automation is a part of everyday life, and consumers will use automated system if convenient, fast & easy to use. Nuance Confidential

23 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 23 Contact Center The contact center is considered an isolated function within the organization –Firms that view the customer service as a commodity emphasize lower cost over support Customer service and the contact center are viewed as vital to meeting long-term business objectives –The contact center is considered a critical operation for establishing close ties with customers Source: Brand Keys, Forrester What Is the Role of the Contact Center within the Enterprise? CARE 1.0CARE 2.0 Nuance Confidential

24 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 24 Business Case for Care Investment What is the role of your care operation vis-à-vis the company business? What is your ticket to the game? What would exceed expectations? Where is your company relative to understanding the value of the customer experience? Is your operation enabled to deliver on these? Where is your competition on these points? Forming the Business Case for Care Investment Nuance Confidential

25 September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 25 Succeeding in a Care 2.0 World Make the most of every inbound care interaction Address the growing culture of mobility Improve Your Support For Customers Take advantage of account events to strengthen relationship Proactively reach out with outbound notifications Reach Out and Communicate With Your Customers Get visibility into your customer’s service experience Make every service improvement count Take the Time to Understand Your Customers Nuance Confidential Care 2.0 World

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