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Resurrection Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting January 25, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Resurrection Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting January 25, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resurrection Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting January 25, 2009

2 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

3 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

4 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

5 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

6 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

7 For election to a one year term as Synod Assembly Delegate: Nancy Evans Tom Evans Bob Martin Sharon Vines Alternates: Diane Shane, Roger Vines Synod Assembly meets 5 - 7 June 2009 at Roanoke College, Salem, VA. Delegates gather congregational concerns, represent us, and report back to the congregation at our June 14th congregational meeting.

8 These are the Nominating Team members effective January 26 th 2009: Tom Bannon Terri Kuckuck Linda Smith Eileen Davis Tony Jenkins Paul Niemi Nominating Team recommends to Council the names of members to be called to leadership positions in the congregation. Council considers and affirms nominations to Pastors who issue calls.

9 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

10 Mission Endowment Fund Committee Ken Tillman - Chair Colleen Butler Nell Cochran Dick Manthei Norm Sahley Pastor Jim

11 Mission Endowment Fund Resolutions Therefore be it resolved, that the Congregation of Resurrection Lutheran Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia, amends its constitution as follows: “C5.05. This Congregation shall have a mission endowment fund which will operate under guidelines as specified in this congregation’s bylaws. The purpose of the mission endowment fund will be to provide for mission work beyond the operating budget of the congregation.”; and “C12.05f The Congregation Council shall be responsible for overseeing the work of the mission endowment fund, this congregation’s investments and its total insurance program.”

12 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

13 School Board Officers: Chair - Kara Irving Vice Chair - Jenny Stearns Secretary - Jeanne D‘Anza Treasurer – Sabrina Stringer Director/Lead Teacher - Rebecca Eastman Associate Teacher – Ali Groom

14 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

15 Income and Expenses July through December 2008

16 Budget changes Benevolence Synod and Church wide Support for ELCA, January to December 2009, to equal 8% of Mission and Ministry Budget. Back Payment to Pastor’s Retirement Pension Funds Pension funds to equal $7,473.00 to be paid to Pastors no later than fiscal year ending June 30th 2010. Payment to begin January 2009 at $400.00 per month, for total current Budget expense of $2,400.00. Clergy and Staff compensation increases Increase in cash compensation of 3.75% for clergy and staff effective September 2008. Additional current Budget expense of $ 6543.66

17 Salary information

18 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

19 Lenten Stewardship Program …to become more fluent in the first language of faith, the language of Scripture, in order that we might live into our calling as a people renewed, enlivened, empowered, and sent by the Word. Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops

20 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

21 Capital Appeal Pledges and Contributions GIVEN TO DATE: $1,043,694 PLEDGED TO DATE: $1,335,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,250,000 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 Capital Fund Appeal Status as of January 15th 2009 $1,750,000 AVERAGE GIVEN PER MONTH BY MEMBERS (Since April 2004): $12,604 $2,250,000 Mortgage Free! Called to Grow! 2004-2007 Blessed to Bee! 2007-2010 Planning for the 2010-2013 Capital Appeal starts this year! Bee a part of this!!!

22 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors

23 $2,675,321 in Capital Fund Expenses to date $2,504,468 for site work and construction $141,018 for architecture, engineering, and permitting $26,795 for consulting $3,039 reimbursements to individuals for events, fundraisers, and administration Building Team Update (Expenses since 2004):

24 Building Team Update Original Contract Price: $2,363,454 Current Contract Price: $2,640,681 Sum of Change Orders: $ 277,227 (11.7% increase) Final Loan Draw: $92,000 County Bond: $13,000 Floor coverings in old building ($11,073) Parking Lot Paving ($56,200) Drainfield Repair ($13,500) Retainage ($66,017) Temporary Occupancy Permit: Parking Lot Marking Sidewalks Elevator Alarm Fire Alarm  Corridor Fire Rating  Handrails  Soffit Ventilation Calculations

25 Adopt-a-Room Program $10,053 Special Gifts plus 274 hours of labor received

26 Agenda Establish Quorum Opening Hymn and Prayer Approval of June Minutes Annual Report Nominations and Elections Mission Endowment Fund Resurrection Lutheran School Finance Update Stewardship Update Capital Appeal Update Building Team Update Closing Prayer and Hymn Bob Rachael > Pastors Rachael Terri Bob > Ken Tillman Terri > Kara Rachael > Linda Eric Denise Eric Pastors


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