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F. Savary. Click here to add footer 2 Outline Context Constraints & Boundary conditions Project plan Production strategy A few words on QA Conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "F. Savary. Click here to add footer 2 Outline Context Constraints & Boundary conditions Project plan Production strategy A few words on QA Conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 F. Savary

2 Click here to add footer 2 Outline Context Constraints & Boundary conditions Project plan Production strategy A few words on QA Conclusions

3 Click here to add footer 3 Context: HL-LHC Timeline Courtesy L. Rossi TODAY 4 years to get 2 units, i.e. 4 x 11T dipoles in LHC NOT NOW NOW

4 Click here to add footer 4 Facts & consequences The quench performance does not meet expectations yet – we would like to see fewer quenches to reach nominal field, less degradation and instability So far, 2 models were made/tested @ CERN: a single coil and a single aperture, 2 coils (105 and 106) out of 3 tested are good (107 being the 3 rd ), which is promising We need to produce more models with the goal of understanding weaknesses and improving performance Which certainly means improving the manufacturing procedures and tooling accordingly Development work is still needed, e.g.: Quench heaters, design, manufacturing, integration Dielectric strength of insulation system Return on experience is needed now for the 1 st prototype and in max. 12 months for the magnets that will installed in LHC during LS2

5 Click here to add footer 5 CERN procurement rules, ex. 8 to 10 weeks 1 week 10-12 weeks Technical specification provided by Technical Officer Price enquiry made by Procurement Officer 3 to 5 bids requested DAI 9 to 11 weeks

6 Click here to add footer 6 …with MS Technical specification provided by Technical Officer and approved by spec. committee MS + IT by Procurement Department Contract 27 weeks Specification Committee

7 Click here to add footer 7

8 8 Goals To demonstrate the availability / readiness of the ‘long’ tooling, one needs to launch now the fabrication of the ‘long’ coils for the prototype This is also necessary to get a first prototype tested by the end of 2016 Major design changes are not possible anymore We believe that it is not needed … with RRP cable Model program aiming First, at improving the performance results observed on MBHSP101 and answering fundamental questions Then, at demonstrating credibility of the optional PIT route for LS3

9 Click here to add footer 9 Model work schedule 2 m long

10 Click here to add footer 10 2017 Today Dec Mar 2015 JunSepDec Mar 2016 JunSepDec YEAR 1 1/1/2015 YEAR 2 1/1/2016 YEAR 3 1/1/2017 Start winding long coil 3 8/3/2015 1/5/2015 - 5/25/2015 MBHSP102 (C106- C108) MBHSP102 (COLD TEST) 3/24/2015 - 5/11/2015 12/8/2014 - 7/27/2015 MBHSP103 (C109-C111) MBHSP103 (COLD TEST) 5/26/2015 - 7/13/2015 MBHDP101 (SP102-SP103) 7/28/2015 - 11/17/2015 MBHDP101 (COLD TEST) 9/30/2015 - 11/17/2015 1/5/2015 - 10/26/2015 MBHSP104 (C112-C113) MBHSP104 (COLD TEST) 7/14/2015 - 9/21/2015 2/9/2015 - 3/18/2016 MBHSP105 (C114-C115) MBHSP105 (COLD TEST) 1/18/2016 - 3/4/2016 MBHDP102 (SP104-SP105) 3/21/2016 - 7/4/2016 MBHDP102 (COLD TEST) 5/3/2016 - 6/20/2016 3/23/2015 - 5/27/2016 MBHSP106 (C202-C203) MBHSP106 (COLD TEST) 3/7/2016 - 4/22/2016 5/4/2015 - 9/5/2016 MBHSP107 (C204-C205) MBHSP107 (COLD TEST) 6/21/2016 - 8/22/2016 MBHDP103 (SP106-SP107) 9/6/2016 - 12/20/2016 Model work schedule 2 m long YEAR 2015 Dates: MM/DD/YYYY 3 weeks Christmas break 3 weeks summer break Excerpt from MS Project Schedule

11 Click here to add footer 11 Practice coil (PC) and Prototype 1 (P1) Dates: MM/DD/YYYY 3 weeks Christmas break One set of tooling Cable insulation not shown Prototype 1 – Coil 1 Dec Mar 2015 JunSepDec Mar 2016 JunSepDec YEAR 1 1/1/2015 Impregnation chamber operational 4/3/2015 YEAR 2 1/1/2016 YEAR 3 1/1/2017 Low grade Nb3Sn coil PC1 - Cable insulation 12/29/2014 - 3/5/2015 PC1 - Winding & curing 3/16/2015 - 4/13/2015 PC1 - Reaction and splicing 4/30/2015 - 6/10/2015 PC1 - Impregnation and instrumentation 6/11/2015 - 7/22/2015 5/4/2015 - 9/2/2015 P1C1 6/15/2015 - 10/14/2015 P1C2 P1-Collaring aperture 1 10/12/2015 - 2/12/2016 8/3/2015 - 11/18/2015 P1C3 9/3/2015 - 12/18/2015 P1C4 10/5/2015 - 1/27/2016 P1C5 P1-Collaring aperture 2 11/23/2015 - 4/1/2016 P1-Cold mass construction 4/4/2016 - 7/5/2016 P1-Cryostating 7/5/2016 - 9/23/2016 P1-Cold testing 9/26/2016 – 12/9/2016 Excerpt from MS Project Schedule

12 Click here to add footer 12 JanAug Mar 2017 Oct May 2018 Dec Jul 2019 YEAR 2 1/1/2016 YEAR 3 1/1/2017 YEAR 4 1/1/2018 YEAR 5 1/1/2019 YEAR 6 1/1/2020 3/3/2016 - 6/6/2017 MBH001 - Cold mass MBH001 - Cryostating 6/7/2017 - 8/25/2017 MBH001 - Testing 8/28/2017 - 11/16/2017 8/19/2016 - 11/16/2017 MBH002 - Cold mass MBH002 - Cryostating 11/17/2017 - 2/27/2018 MBH002 - Testing 2/28/2018 - 5/21/2018 2/8/2017 - 4/12/2018 MBH003 - Cold mass MBH003 - Cryostating 4/12/2018 - 7/3/2018 MBH003 - Testing 7/4/2018 - 9/24/2018 6/12/2017 - 9/18/2018 MBH004 - Cold mass MBH004 - Cryostating 9/18/2018 - 12/7/2018 MBH004 - Testing 12/7/2018 - 2/27/2019 11/16/2017 - 2/25/2019 MBH005 - Cold mass MBH005 - Cryostating 2/26/2019 - 5/16/2019 MBH005 - Testing 5/17/2019 - 8/7/2019 LS2 – MBH 1-5 LS2 Dates: MM/DD/YYYY 3 weeks Christmas break 3 weeks summer break One set of tooling Cable insulation not shown Excerpt from MS Project Schedule

13 Click here to add footer 13 Conductor procurement vs. needs Need for LS2 Delivery schedule with 500 km RRP strand Delivery schedule with additional 200 km RRP strand Delivery schedule with 500 km RRP and 500 km PIT strand

14 Click here to add footer 14

15 Click here to add footer 15 Use CERN Large Magnet Facility

16 Click here to add footer 16 Manpower CERN staff FSU (Field Support Unit) Ad’hoc contracts with experienced firms (industrial services, work packages with deliverables, …) MS + IT + FC needed (min. 32-36 weeks to get a contract signed) Work in shift will be an option However, shall not used as long as it is not needed

17 Click here to add footer 17 Running contracts – Prototype 1 S158/TE Start May 2014 (927) S156/TE Start Jan. 2014 S157/TE Start Sept. 2013 S159/TE (927) Start Nov. 2013 End Jun. 2014 Babcock Noell GmbH Industrial service contracts for: Academic engineer Technical engineer Draftsman Experienced practitioner

18 Click here to add footer 18

19 Click here to add footer 19 Dedicated team – LMF QA Successful experience from LS1-SMACC project Use of CERN dfs for working documents, EDMS and CATIA Smarteam for reference documents EDMS Procedures, technical reports, publications, … Smarteam Models (3D) CDD Drawings (2D) MTF Manufacturing data

20 Click here to add footer 20 Conclusions – technical viewpoint Operation margin is rather limited, i.e. work point on load line > 80% … bearing in mind that mechanical design is for 12 T No room to manoeuver to increase the margin Integration design requires shortening the collimator. There are two options possible, one with jaws reduced from 800 to 600 mm, and the other one with jaws reduced to 650 mm Detailed study was done to learn with sufficient level of confidence the integration issues A trim circuit is included in the baseline to keep under control the closed orbit without using the orbit correctors; conduction cooled leads provide an acceptable solution The protection in the machine needs to be addressed asap; having a trim current is a complication but not a show stopper The design of the cold mass assembly is well under control, even if not finished, i.e. no show stopper A few items requires careful attention: quench heaters, … Not limited to this presentation

21 Click here to add footer 21 Conclusions – strategic viewpoint It is possible to produce 11T dipoles and have them ready for installation in the LHC machine during LS2 We have a work plan for models. However, it is somehow behind schedule w.r.t. the overall project plan The work plan for models shall focus first on the RRP route, then on the PIT route RRP shall be the baseline for LS2 The program for PIT has to be seen for LS3 We have a work plan for the prototype that is compatible with the overall project plan. However, there is some risk, seen the progress of the short model plan The procurement of the components shall be given high priority in the beginning of 2015, including for the critical components for LS2

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