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Vision North Texas East & Southeast Fort Worth Economic Development Summit September 17, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision North Texas East & Southeast Fort Worth Economic Development Summit September 17, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision North Texas East & Southeast Fort Worth Economic Development Summit September 17, 2010

2 North Texas – a major player As large as the state of Massachusetts Dominant U.S. metro –4 th largest population –4 th largest employment –5 th largest GDP Big & getting bigger –5.31 million people in 2000 –9.49 million people in 2030 –11.66 million people in 2050

3 What is Vision North Texas? Private-public-academic partnership –ULI, NCTCOG, UTA are Charter sponsors Begun in late 2004 Objectives –Increase awareness about expected growth –Serve as a forum for dialogue among all stakeholders about critical issues –Build support for initiatives that create a successful and sustainable future for North Texas

4 Stakeholder Awareness Awareness & Dialogue

5 New Policy Direction “The time has come to work together on regional land use issues. We need a ‘regional gamebook’ to grow successfully.” --- Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief

6 VNT Milestone 3 Download or purchase at

7 A Vision for North Texas North Texas is recognized worldwide as a region that sustains its economic success and vitality because it contains many distinctive and highly desirable communities, supports innovative people and businesses and nurtures its varied natural assets. It contains diverse neighborhoods, mixed use centers and communities that appeal to people of all income levels and at all stages of their lives. It is a preferred location for the employees and businesses that comprise the broad-based and innovative local economy. It offers residents and businesses access to resources and opportunities that lead to their long-term success. It protects, manages and enhances critical natural areas and uses energy and natural resources responsibly. It supports resilient and effective responses to change through collaboration and cooperation within the region.

8 Federal Partnership

9 North Texas Application Requested $5M for projects over 3 years VNT Partnership is basic structure, NCTCOG is administrative agent Federal funds would leverage our regional efforts to implement North Texas 2050 Important opportunity to align federal, state, local investments to support sustainable communities in our region

10 North Texas Application Contents Regional capacity-building: demographic forecasting & alternative demographics Silo-busting for aligning regional investment strategies Meeting high-priority inner/outer tier housing & transportation needs Achieving safe, clean and green urban watersheds Keeping our rural communities rural & thriving while protecting our water supply lakes Sustaining healthy communities

11 East & Southeast Fort Worth? Regional attention & support for economic development, neighborhood preservation, revitalization opportunities in ‘inner tier’ Tools for EDC’s, CDC’s, neighborhoods groups, business/property owners –Strengthen linkages between affordable housing, job locations & transportation –Facilitate reuse of abandoned properties –Assistance for ‘green’ stormwater management –Coalition for accessible, affordable & nutritious foods

12 Business as Usual is Dead… The future North Texans want has sustainable, vital ‘inner tier’ communities. Federal grant will be an important resource for sustainability. Your decisions & involvement will help create a region that is better than business as usual.

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