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A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities

2 COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION Physical, Economic and Social Revitalization Co- Investment Operating Culture INDIVIDUAL TRANSFORMATION Social and Economic Advancement of All Residents OPERATING EFFICIENCY Increased property revenue and property reduced costs The Triple Aim Framework for Mixed-Income Development

3 Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities TSP and NIMC work with owners, managers, residents and other partners of mixed income developments to articulate and advance a Triple Aim goals framework: 1.OPERATING EFFICIENCY: Increased Property Revenue and Reduced Property Costs 2.COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION: Physical, Economic, and Social Revitalization 3.INDIVIDUAL TRANSFORMATION: Social and Economic Advancement of All Residents Our core innovation and expertise is to help shift the operating culture from a narrow focus on compliance and needs based services to one of shared aspiration, problem solving and innovation. Triple Aim Impact: Our Value Proposition

4 Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities 1.OVERARCHING GOAL: To develop thriving communities through co-investment with residents, staff and partners. 2.UNDERLYING BELIEF: We are all human beings – residents, staff, partners - interdependent on one another for a quality life. 3.UNDERLYING STRATEGY: Create intentional spaces, practices and a network for mutual exchange and collaborative action. 4.IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVE: Shift the current operating culture of fear and isolation to a culture of aspiration and connection. Our Guiding Framework

5 Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities Creating, operating and sustaining successful mixed income housing is far more complex than originally envisioned. Requires a sophisticated approach to financing and asset management, property management, resident services and community building. The standard housing management practice, linked to a typical array of social services, is not enough to ensure medium-term success and long term viability. The development arm of the affordable housing industry has evolved and changed dramatically over the last 25 years to achieve a high level of sophistication and innovation in the financing and asset management of mixed income developments. It is time to support the same kind of evolution in the property management, resident services and community building dimensions of operating mixed income developments. Our Motivation:

6 Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities We believe a “systems approach” to mixed income housing is critical and that two fundamental system shifts are needed: o A GOAL SHIFT from separately-defined goals for asset management, property management and resident services to a unified “triple aim” framework which emphasized the shared interests of owners, managers, service providers and residents. o AN OPERATING SHIFT from narrow focus on maintaining compliance, meeting needs and solving problems to a more aspirational operating culture designed to create the kind of co-investment among owners, staff and residents needed to achieve both individual and community transformation. Our Philosophy:

7 Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities Some Examples of “Cultural Dysfunctions” in a typical Affordable Housing Eco-System Here are some habits and practices which are often taken for granted and can prevent a collaborative approach to community transformation: Central and site staff rarely sit together to assess, reflect and plan. Many site staff only have contact with a household during the highly structured recertification moment. Resident gatherings are viewed as difficult and scary…something to control rather than embrace. Maintenance workers do not have the opportunity to share broader insights given their daily contact with residents. Outside service providers are assumed to have the right resources for needy residents. We do not take the time to understand and leverage the resources available through and among residents. We overestimate the value of common areas and playgrounds as community building devices. We assume that neighborhood associations are the only vehicle for building partnerships with neighbors. Site staff do not fully reveal relevant information due to highly formalized performance review processes.

8 Triple Aim Impact Goals Owner & Asset Managers Property Managers Resident Services Residents Thriving Communities within our resource frame. Quality Customer Service within our profit goals. Thriving Households within our resource frame. Quality Life within my community and personal opportunity frame. System for clear goals and providing support and accountability. Leasing, Retention, Collection, Maintenance, Long Term Viability Economic Opportunity, Safety, Youth Development, Healthy Living, etc. Neighbor to Neighbor Exchanges, Small Group Initiatives, Political Influence Intentional Spaces, Practices, Habits and Norms in support of Triple Aim Impact Goals and Specific Objectives Products or Programs Operating Culture Specific Objectives Triple Aim Approach

9 COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION Physical, Economic and Social Revitalization Co- Investment Operating Culture INDIVIDUAL TRANSFORMATION Social and Economic Advancement of All Residents OPERATING EFFICIENCY Increased property revenue and property reduced costs The Triple Aim Framework for Mixed-Income Development: Measurement How will we know? Healthy network of diverse relationships Constant exchange of information Shared decision making practices and protocols Unexpected problems collectively and more easily solved. How will we know? Physical - Buildings - Public space Economic - Commercial/Retail - Employment/Spending - Micro-Enterprises Social - Aspirational network - Resident Initiative - Collective efficacy - Safety How will we know? Social - Educational - Levels of engagement Economic - Employment - Savings - More % of rent paid How will we know? Occupancy rate ↑ Vacancy rate ↓ Turnover rate ↓ Repair costs ↓ Security costs ↓ Sale prices ↑ Rents ↑

10 Triple Aim Impact in Mixed-Income Communities A Joint Venture of Trusted Space Partners and National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities 1.STAFF AND RESIDENT ENGAGEMENT: Shaping New Intentional Spaces and Practices for Co-Investment in the Housing Community 2.STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS: Crafting New Messaging, Communications and Learning Tools for Triple Aim Integration Company-wide 3.STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND COLLABORATION: Providing Capacity Development and Identifying New Triple Aim Protocols/System Fixes for Site Staff Operations 4.ORGANIZATIONAL ALIGNMENT: Designing Vertical and Horizontal Alignment Strategies to Achieve Triple Aim Impact Across Business Lines Throughout the Organization 5.LEARNING: Documenting and Evaluating the Impact of the Triple Aim Framework and Operating Culture Shift Triple Aim Impact: Our Services

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