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Canada enters the War… Phase I: September 1939 to June1940 Mr. Bridgeo.

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1 Canada enters the War… Phase I: September 1939 to June1940 Mr. Bridgeo

2 Phase I: September 1939 to June1940 It was the beginning of hostilities…the war was known at this time as a “guerre fausse… this was because there was not a lot of battles, as we would think of when we think of battles, during these initial months. Up to this point, it was the invasion of Poland by Germany from the west and by Russia from the east … Germany and the Soviet Union signed what is knows as a Non-aggression Pact This pact meant that neither country would act as the aggressor vs. the other Mr. Bridgeo

3 Germany invades Poland from the west September 1 st, 1939 The Soviet Union signs a non-aggression Pact with Germany and also invades Poland from the east. Great Britain (England & Ireland) & France declare war against Germany on September 3 rd, 1939 Germany allies itself with Italy and Japan In 1939 They are known as the ‘Axis Powers”. Mr. Bridgeo Phase I: September 1939 to June1940

4 Japan was an aggressive country and caused many problems for the allies in the Pacific…Hong Kong, for instance Japan and China were at war for several years before the conflict in Europe exploded into the Second World War. Japan controlled the Pacific Rim with an experienced army and a formidable navy. Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese on December6, 1941. Mr. Bridgeo

5 Phase I: September 1939 to June 1940 At the outset of WW II, France had a small army and was the first of the Allied powers to fall at the hands of the Nazi army. The French army was defeated in only three weeks by the Germans, who employed a new tactic of war. It was the first time it was ever employed in war… Mr. Bridgeo

6 Phase I: September 1939 to June 1940 Blitzkrieg was a strategy that was employed to shock and awe opposing armies. It employed the combined forces of the infantry, tanks and air support. This war machine moved swiftly and decisively to easily defeat the allies at the outset of the war. The Maginot Line in France is a great example of a fortified line of defense set up by the allies that was easily penetrated by this new tactic of war. Mr. Bridgeo

7 Phase I: September 1939 to June 1940 Here we see the location of the Maginot Line Blitzkrieg allowed the Germans to Destroy the allied defenses and Take Belgium, Holland and France In only three days. The English army who were in France at the time were evacuated via the beaches At Dunkirk. Mr. Bridgeo

8 Phase I: September 1939 to June 1940 At the outset of war, Canada did not send soldiers to fight in Europe or in Asia or Africa, but we did…  Send tonnes of manufactured goods  Send tonnes of ammunition  Send tonnes of food This was the job of the Merchant Marines Mr. Bridgeo

9 Phase I: September 1939 to June 1940 The majority of goods were sent to Europe from Canadian ports from eastern Canada. The most important of which was Halifax (ice free all year long). The goods were transported by the Merchant Marine on Ships known as Corvettes. The Corvettes were small (58-62 m) and could transport 1200 tonnes of provisions and fuel. The crew consisted of 90-100 men who slept in hammocks. they had light weaponry and were very susceptible to attacks by German U-boats. affiche de recrutement de guerre Mr. Bridgeo

10 Phase I: September 1939 to June 1940 1.What is the Treaty of Versailles? What significance does it have with regard to the Second World War? 2.Who is Adolph Hitler? 3.What does ‘conscription’ mean? 4.When did Canada declare war on Germany? Was this the same time as England? Why or why not? 5.What is the Merchant Marine and what role did they have during the Second World War? 6.Why was the Second World War known as the « guerre fausse » at the outset of war? 7.What is « blitzkrieg »? 8.Give the key event for each of the following dates: September 1 st, 1939 September 3 rd, 1939 September 10 th, 1939 Mr. Bridgeo

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