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Hitler & Stalin sign a 10 year nonaggression pact.

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1 Hitler & Stalin sign a 10 year nonaggression pact

2 Germany Invades Poland 1939 Hitler turns his attention to Poland Sept. 1, 1939, Germany begins to attack Poland Merciless bombing of Warsaw Tanks and troops move in quickly (blitzkrieg) – Take the enemy by surprise and overwhelm them

3 Stalin Moves Troops to Poland England & France declare war Russia begins to annex countries north of Poland Latvia, Lithuania, & Estonia Finland resisted and Stalin sends in 1 million troops Fins were a tough foe Soviets were able to defeat the Fins by March of 1940


5 The Phony War After England & France declared war on Germany, allied troops moved to Maginot Line Allied troops waited for an attack Both sides stared at each other for days without a shot Nicknamed “sitzkrieg” April 9, 1940 Germany invades Norway and Denmark

6 France Falls By May of 1940, Hitler uses the Schlieffen Plan Germans were able to move to the Northern French coast in 10 days Germans trapped the Allied forces Allied forces retreated to Dunkirk Britain sends ships to rescue the army

7 France Falls France begins to fall June 14 th, Germans soldiers march onto Paris June 22 nd, French leaders surrender French Gen. Charles de Gaulle sets up a government in exile in London De Gaulle calls for people of France to join him in resisting the Germans




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