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World on Fire – WWII begins. Key Terms / Main Ideas Attempts to negotiate with Hitler fail. Germany invades Poland which result in France and England.

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Presentation on theme: "World on Fire – WWII begins. Key Terms / Main Ideas Attempts to negotiate with Hitler fail. Germany invades Poland which result in France and England."— Presentation transcript:

1 World on Fire – WWII begins

2 Key Terms / Main Ideas Attempts to negotiate with Hitler fail. Germany invades Poland which result in France and England declaring war on Germany. Anschluss Appeasement – Neville Chamberlain Blitzkrieg Maginot Line Dunkirk Winston Churchill Battle of Britain RAF

3 1937 Hitler presses for unification of German-speaking people Hitler demands government posts for Nazis in Austria or he’ll invade Invades anyway Announces Anschluss Austria

4 Czechoslovakia is next… Hitler wants Sudetenland Claims many German-speakers Czechs resist France & GB pledge support Neville Chamberlain British Prime Minister Munich Conference 1938 France & GB agree to Hitler’s demands Appeasement Hitler takes more – Czechoslovakia 1939

5 Germany after Appeasement

6 Sudetenland

7 How about a Polish…… Hitler wants Polish seaport Britain tells him no Poland resists Non-Aggression Pact with Russia Aug 1939 Why? 9-1-39 BLITZKRIEG !!!! Poland defeated in 5 weeks Takes Denmark & Norway by Apr 1940 Hitler invades through Belgium French and Brits trapped - Dunkirk


9 The Fall of France - 1940 Miracle at Dunkirk 4 June 338,000 men 850 boats –civilian vols Lost most equipment 22 June - France surrenders Winston Churchill Defiant We shall defend….

10 The Fall of France - 1940

11 Never …. Was so much owed by so many to so few Hitler wants to invade England Must destroy Brit’s Air Force Luftwaffe attacks – June 1940 Battle of Britain Aug 23 London bombed England bombs Berlin Hitler retaliates Brits stay strong Subways as bomb shelters Royal Air Force RADAR Oct 12 – Hitler calls off invasion

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