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Hitler’s violations of Treaty of Versailles along w/British and French concessions Anschluss Sudetenland.

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4 Hitler’s violations of Treaty of Versailles along w/British and French concessions Anschluss Sudetenland

5 Chamberlain and Hitler – 1938 (Munich Agreement) 9003122&password=19003122&playVideo=90097

6 Appeasement – then and now




10 Maginot Line

11 Ardennes

12 Dunkirk – May 1940

13 The Blitz June 1940 – Sept 1940

14 “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” - Winston Churchill

15 Russo-Finnish War 1940 450,000 men 2,500 tanks 4000 planes 300,000 men 32 tanks 100 planes

16 Operation Barbarossa As the German officers gazed across the Beresina in the direction of Moscow they noticed wooden structures and implements in the clear water

17 Number of German soldiers, tanks, planes for Operation Barbarossa Number of Soviet soldiers, tanks, planes, etc. 4,000,000 men 3300 tanks 3450 planes 4,500,000 men 24000 tanks 10000 planes

18 Number of Soviets killed or captured in first 3 ½ months of German invasion2,500,000 Number of Soviet tanks and planes destroyed Over 5000 planes Over 14000 tanks



21 The German army cut-off and laid siege to Leningrad for 900 days. After the populace had eaten all the domesticated animals there were in the city they were reduced to eating rats, birds, etc. Between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 people starved to death as a result of the siege


23 Rattenkrieg

24 By late Nov/early Dec temps were dropping to -40 degrees! -40 degrees! By January they had dropped to -70 degrees!!

25 Unlike Stalin, Hitler had not issued his troops winter gear! What does that tell you about Hitler’s expectations for Operation Barbarossa (his attack on Soviet Union)

26 Battle of Kursk (summer 1943) Germany – 900,000 men 2700 tanks Soviets – 1,300,000 men 3300 tanks


28 6,000,000 Jews

29 June 6, 1944 Operation Overlord

30 D-Day June 6, 1944

31 Allied Cemetery - Normandy

32 December 7, 1941 “ “A day which shall live in infamy ”

33 The Bataan Death March Over 7000

34 Battle of Midway (June 1942) Unbeknownst to the Japanese, the U.S. had broken the Japanese naval code earlier that year So although greatly outnumbered, the Americans were able to catch the Japanese by surprise as the Japanese were attempting to launch a surprise attack on the naval base at Midway

35 Midway was the turning point of the war in the Pacific From that point on the US was on the offensive and the Japanese were on the defensive

36 Despite the resounding and overwhelming loss at Midway Japan continued to fight on - for another 3+ years. What belief/practice, endemic throughout Japanese culture, accounted for that Code of Bushido Death before Dishonor


38 Hiroshima Nagasaki


40 Over 50,000,000 dead Cold War

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