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Trail to War Again Learning Target: Outline the causes of WWII in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "Trail to War Again Learning Target: Outline the causes of WWII in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trail to War Again Learning Target: Outline the causes of WWII in Europe

2 Trouble in the Pacific China Sept. 1931, Japan takes over southern Manchuria

3 European Unrest A. Treaty of Versailles –1. Depression –2. War Debts/ Reparations –3. Limited size of army

4 B. Rise of Hitler C. Failed Beer Hall Putch of 1923 –1. Support of Brown Shirts –2. Wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle)

5 D. Third Reich –1. Gained control over Reichstag –2. 1935 Hitler in full power –3. Master Race “German Blood” –4. Lebensraum – “living space” wanted to unify the German Blood

6 E. Events which led to World War –1. 1936 – Italy and Germany formed Rome-Berlin Axis –2. marches into the Rhineland – 1936 –3. 1937 Spanish Civil War (Franco) testing ground –4. March 1938 – invaded and annexed Austria –5. Sudetenland – Czech border with Germany

7 F. Appeasement A. Munich Pact – Sept. 28, 1938 –1. agree to dismember Czech. –2. Chamberlain – “Peace in our time!” B. March 15, 1939 seized rest of Czech

8 G. Beginning of WWII. A.Invasion of Poland 1.Non-Aggression pact between Germany & Soviet Union 2.Germany invades Sept. 1, 1939 3.Sept. 3, Britain and France declare war 4.Sept. 29, Poland divided 5.Phony War

9 G. Beginning of WWII (cont.) B. Push towards France 1. Holland-5 Days 2. Belgium 2 weeks 3. Maginot line 4. Blitzkrieg a. General Heinz Guderian b. Modern Warfare (Panzer, Luftwaffe, & Infantry) c. France divided July 14th d. Miracle at Dunkirk “1 st mistake”

10 C. Battle of Britain “2 nd Mistake” –1. Operation Sea Lion –2. Radar D. Desert War – Rommel – Afrika Corps E. Invasion of Russia “3 rd Mistake, war on 2 fronts” – June 22, 1941- 8 million men

11 US involvement A. Isolationalism B. Efforts to prevent war –1. Washington Conference – disarmament –2. Kellogg-Briand Pact

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