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A tutorial on MS Project James Burns. Outline  Setting up MS Project  Defining Tasks (activity definition)  Activity Subordination (WBS)  Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "A tutorial on MS Project James Burns. Outline  Setting up MS Project  Defining Tasks (activity definition)  Activity Subordination (WBS)  Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 A tutorial on MS Project James Burns

2 Outline  Setting up MS Project  Defining Tasks (activity definition)  Activity Subordination (WBS)  Activity Sequencing (network chart)  Determining durations  Determining costs

3 Setting up MS Project  Your first task should be a PROJECT meta-task  Everything (every other task) should be subordinate to it

4 Must start with  A list or tasks  Or  A Work Breakdown Structure

5 Defining Tasks  This process is called Activity Definition Can do it by developing the WBS down to work packages Can do it by use of template Can do it by use of a list Or just off the top of your head

6 Bring up MS Project  Start in the Gantt View  Set start date in Project Information box Can do forward or backward scheduling  Enter task detail in the entry table to the left  Subordinate tasks appropriately  Link Tasks as appropriate

7 Working from the WBS  WBS’s utilize a standardized numbering scheme  WBS Subordination is indicated to MS Project through indentation Use the indentation arrow

8 Click on Project and then Project Information  Brings up this window

9 Can download add-ons from CriticalTools.Com  To delineate (draw) the WBS  To do PERT  (Neither of which are available within MS Project)

10 Setting hard and fast task dates  Normally, this is not a good idea  Do this on the entry table

11 Adding resources  Resource sheet

12 Determining cost and duration  Must enter the hourly rates of the PROJECT PLAYERS into the RESOURCE SHEET

13 Tables

14 Reports

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