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Social Cognitive View Integrates Social Learning and Cognitive Theories Reciprocal determinism Self-regulation Expectancy values & self-efficacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Cognitive View Integrates Social Learning and Cognitive Theories Reciprocal determinism Self-regulation Expectancy values & self-efficacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Cognitive View Integrates Social Learning and Cognitive Theories Reciprocal determinism Self-regulation Expectancy values & self-efficacy

2 Reciprocal Determinism Behaviorism Environment Person Social learning theory Person Environment-1 Environment-2 Environment-3 Person Environment

3 Self-Regulation Delay of gratification Emotion regulation Limitations of self-regulation

4 Delay of gratification Children are given the choice: –Small reward now –Large reward later How long can children can wait? What strategies are used?

5 Delay of Gratification as Predictor Delay of gratification at age four can predict competence in adolescence: –social competence –cognitive competence –scholastic achievement (SAT) –coping with frustration What is DOG based on? –Impulse inhibition? –General intelligence?

6 Strategies for Delay of Gratification Waiting is easy if... … reward is hidden … you think distracting thoughts … you think of physical aspects of non-reward (think of a pretzel while waiting for a cookie) … you see only a picture of the reward: –Waiting is easy if real reward is imagined as picture –Waiting is difficult if picture is imagined as real Regulation of Attention seems to be central!

7 Emotion Regulation Definition: Any process that increases, decreases or modifies emotions Relevant for any aspect of emotion ­Experience ­Behavior ­Physiology Can be conscious or unconscious.

8 Possible points of regulation: 1.Situation selection 2.Situation modification 3.Attention direction 4.Cognitions / attributions 5.Modulating responses –Experience –Behavior –Physiology

9 Comparison Between Strategies for Emotion Regulation (Gross) Suppression 1.reducing expressive behavior: 2.“control your expression so that nobody could tell what you are feeling” Reappraisal 1.cognitive reframing 2.“think about the situation in a way that reduces the emotion”

10 Success of Different Strategies Both strategies reduce expressive behavior Reappraisal reduces the experience of negative emotion Suppression increases physiological responding

11 Limitations of Self-Regulation Baumeister: “Strength” model of self-regulation Self-regulation requires effort Capacity for self-regulation is a limited resource High demands on self-regulation will be followed by a period of reduced capacity

12 Evidence for the “Strength” model of self-regulation: Regulating emotional response to an upsetting film resulted in reduced hand-grip strength afterward Trying to ‘not think about a white bear” led to: –reduced persistence at solving anagrams afterward –poorer suppression of amusement during a funny film afterwards

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