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Doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 1 Minho Cheong, ETRI Segment Parser for 160MHz Authors: Date: 2010-11-08.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 1 Minho Cheong, ETRI Segment Parser for 160MHz Authors: Date: 2010-11-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 1 Minho Cheong, ETRI Segment Parser for 160MHz Authors: Date: 2010-11-08

2 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 2 Minho Cheong, ETRI Abstract This presentation proposes supplementation of 160MHz segment parser in the 11ac spec framework (11-0992r15).

3 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 3 Minho Cheong, ETRI Current Segment Parser for 160MHz Option 2 in [1] is suggested as interleaver and segment parser scheme for 160MHz –Code across 160MHz and interleave per 80MHz –It has reasonable tradeoff between performance and complexity

4 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 4 Minho Cheong, ETRI Current Segment Parser for 160MHz Current text which has passed TGac motion [1] – Segment parser In case of contiguous and noncontiguous 160 MHz transmissions, even output bits of the stream parser are allocated to the lower 80 MHz and odd output bits to the upper 80 MHz for each stream. First output bit from the stream parser in each symbol is an even bit. – Frequency interleaver For contiguous and noncontiguous 160 MHz transmissions using BCC encoding, the lower and upper 80 MHz portions are each interleaved using the interleaver defined for 80 MHz transmissions.

5 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 5 Minho Cheong, ETRI Need to Supplement to Current Scheme Current scheme is just to alternate between odd input and even input regardless of constellation size This may result in potential problem in 2 nd stage of frequency interleaver –2 nd stage of frequency interleave : map adjacent coded bits on different positions which has different reliability among constellation –Current scheme may limit this interleaving function in some cases by mapping consecutive coded bits on locations which have the same reliability among constellation

6 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 6 Minho Cheong, ETRI One of Examples [80MHz Case]

7 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 7 Minho Cheong, ETRI One of Examples [80MHz Case] (2) Every 3 bit bundle is assigned to spatial stream in a round-robin way –because number of bits for real or imaginary part of constellation is 3 bits in 64QAM Interleaver input bits are filled in 26 columns in order –3j, 3j+1, 3j+2 th rows in 3i th column to be mapped on constellation itself –3j, 3j+1, 3j+2 th rows in 3i+1 th column to be mapped on constellation by cyclic shift whose size is 1 –3j, 3j+1, 3j+2 th rows in 3i+2 th column to be mapped on constellation by cyclic shift whose size is 2 In 20/40/80MHz cases, there is no problem

8 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 8 Minho Cheong, ETRI One of Examples [160MHz Case] But, with current 160MHz segment parser (just alternate between even and odd bits), there are some cases where consecutive coded bits are located on particular positions which has the same level of reliability among constellation –This means that 2 nd stage of frequency interleaver cannot function effectively –This does not match consistency of interleaver which has been applied until 20/40/80MHz design –May also degrade the system performance due to limitation on interleaver functions

9 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 9 Minho Cheong, ETRI One of Examples [160MHz Case] (2)

10 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 10 Minho Cheong, ETRI 160MHz Segment Parser Supplementation Supplementation Method –Stream parser output is parsed into the two 80 MHz portions in blocks of s·Nes bits s = number of bits in real/imaginary axis of constellation

11 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 11 Minho Cheong, ETRI 160MHz Segment Parser Supplementation (2) What if Ncbpss (number of coded bits) is not divisible by 2s·N es? –Only happens in the same 4 MCSs which needs additional rule for 160MHz stream parsing [2] 1.64QAM, Rate 2/3, 5 streams—N ES =5 2.64QAM, Rate 2/3, 7 streams—N ES =7 3.64QAM, Rate 3/4, 5 streams—N ES =5 4.64QAM, Rate 3/4, 7 streams—N ES =7 –Even in these cases, remaining number of coded bits is divisible by 2s Proposed parsing scheme when Ncbpss is not divisible by 2s·N es –Proceed with method on slide 10 for the first floor(Ncbpss / (2s·N es) ) bits –Remaining bits are parsed into the two 80 MHz portions in blocks of s bits –Same method as in dealing with corner cases in 160MHz stream parser [2]

12 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 12 Minho Cheong, ETRI 160MHz Segment Parser Supplementation (3)

13 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 13 Minho Cheong, ETRI Conclusions Proposed supplementation of 160MHz segment parser as described on slide 10 –Preserves the intended role of the 2 nd stage frequency interleaver Prevent consecutive bits in same reliability bit positions –Preserves the basic concept of alternative bits to two 80 MHz portion Now in blocks of s·N es bits –Identified and proposed scheme to deal with cases when Ncbpss is not divisible by 2s·Nes Proposed remedy similar to the solution for stream parsing [2] Simulation results provided in following slides to validate performance

14 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 14 Minho Cheong, ETRI Simulations (Setup) Coding: BCC MIMO receiver: ML Phase noise: -41 dBc PA model: Not used Contiguous 160 MHz simulated

15 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 15 Minho Cheong, ETRI Simulations (Comparison) Nseg = 1 –One large interleaver across 160 MHz –Ncol = 39 –Option 1 in [1] Nseg = 2, parser = 0 –Interleaver per 80 MHz –Simple bit-by-bit segment parsing –Currently adopted scheme in TGac Nseg = 2, parser = 1 –Interleaver per 80 MHz –Segment parsing using the proposed method in this submission

16 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 16 Minho Cheong, ETRI Simulations (3x3, Nss=3, 16-QAM ½)

17 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 17 Minho Cheong, ETRI Simulations (3x3, Nss=3, 16-QAM ¾)

18 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 18 Minho Cheong, ETRI Simulations (3x3, Nss=3, 256-QAM ¾)

19 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 19 Minho Cheong, ETRI Simulations (Summary) Simulation results are provided to validate the performance of the modified segment parser –The proposed segment parser provides additional performance gain in many cases –Did not find any case where the proposed segment parser performs inferior to the current segment parser See additional results in appendix

20 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 20 Minho Cheong, ETRI Proposed Change in 11ac Spec. Framework

21 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 21 Minho Cheong, ETRI Pre-Motion Do you support to accept supplementation of 160MHz segment parser (as described in slides 10-12 ) and modify the IEEE Specification Framework for TGac as shown on slide 20? –Yes –No –Abs

22 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 22 Minho Cheong, ETRI References [1] 11-10-1063-01-00ac-160mhz-transmission-flow [2] 11-10-1264-00-00ac-160MHz-Stream-Parser

23 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 23 Minho Cheong, ETRI Appendix A: 11ac Frequency Interleaver

24 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 24 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1 st Stage of Frequency Interleaver Write by columns & read by rows

25 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 25 Minho Cheong, ETRI 2 nd Stage of Frequency Interleaver Shuffling reliability among constellation

26 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 26 Minho Cheong, ETRI 3 rd Stage of Frequency Interleaver Frequency rotation –Cyclic shift on frequency with the use of different offset to each spatial streams when multiple streams to prevent adjacent coded bits being mapped to the same sub-carrier for different antennas –Fixed N rot for N ss =1,2,3,4 –TBD N rot for N ss =5,6,7,8 Nrot may be different for different antenna size

27 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 27 Minho Cheong, ETRI Appendix B: More Simulation Results

28 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 28 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, BPSK 1/2

29 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 29 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, QPSK 1/2

30 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 30 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, QPSK 3/4

31 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 31 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, 16-QAM 1/2

32 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 32 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, 16-QAM 3/4

33 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 33 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, 64-QAM 2/3

34 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 34 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, 64-QAM 3/4

35 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 35 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, 64-QAM 5/6

36 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 36 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, 256-QAM 3/4

37 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 37 Minho Cheong, ETRI 1x1, Nss=1, 256-QAM 5/6

38 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 38 Minho Cheong, ETRI 3x3, Nss=3, 64-QAM 2/3

39 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 39 Minho Cheong, ETRI 3x3, Nss=3, 64-QAM 3/4

40 doc.:IEEE 802.11-10/1279r0 Submission Nov 09, 2010 Slide 40 Minho Cheong, ETRI 3x3, Nss=3, 64-QAM 5/6

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