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Changing Residentail Patterns 1991 - 2001 Dan Vickers, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield UPTAP Conference 21 -23 March 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing Residentail Patterns 1991 - 2001 Dan Vickers, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield UPTAP Conference 21 -23 March 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing Residentail Patterns 1991 - 2001 Dan Vickers, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield UPTAP Conference 21 -23 March 2007

2 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Background  Project scheduled to run 1 st January 2006 – 31 st December 2006, in the School of Geography, University of Leeds.  PhD handed in Friday 13 th January 2006.  Viva started a year ago to this minute across the corridor.  1 st September 2006 Appointed ‘Lecturer in Social and Spatial Inequalities’ in the Department of Geography, University of Sheffield.  Therefore only able to complete 8 out of the scheduled 12 months of the project.  Rearranged schedule to complete the research one day a week, to be completed by the 1 st September 2007.

3 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research  Original idea: To attempt to examine the change in residential patterns over time using geodemographic techniques.  Why So?  My PhD created the national classification of output areas for the ONS assification/default.asp assification/default.asp  The classification show distinct and clear residential patens.  Click for map: EngScotWales.html EngScotWales.html

4 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research  Variable selection.  Can the variables be compared across time?  Can the whole UK be used?  Matching the geography.  Methodology.  Two years separately or all together.  Transformation?  Standardisation.  Method of Clustering.  How many clusters?  Results so far

5 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research  Variable Selection  Social Class a/b  Social Class c1  Social Class d  Social Class e  Non White

6 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research  Matching the Geography  1991 data assigned to 2001 geography using population weighted centriods.

7 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research  Methodology  Data ranked then standardised between 0 -1.  K-means clustering used.  Both years clustered together.  Looking at between 2 – 7 clusters.

8 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research  Results so far 1991 2001 In the same group: 99,927 (60.3%) In different group: 65,738 (39.7%) Cluster 1: -7,675 Cluster 2: -12,964 Cluster 3: +20,639

9 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research 1991 2001North East 2001 1991 North West 2001 1991 Yorkshire & the Humber Cluster 1: -421 (-31%) Cluster 2: -1,517 (-38%) Cluster 3: +1,938 (+59%) Cluster 1: -1,481 (-27%) Cluster 2: -2,439 (-26%) Cluster 3: +3,920 (+51%) Cluster 1: -814 (-23%) Cluster 2: -1,966 (-27%) Cluster 3: +2,780 (+46%)

10 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research 1991 2001East Midlands 2001 1991 West Midlands 2001 1991 East Cluster 1: -705 (-20%) Cluster 2: -1,378 (-24%) Cluster 3: +2,083 (+44%) Cluster 1: -1,534 (-28%) Cluster 2: -1,310 (-23%) Cluster 3: +2,639 (+41%) Cluster 1: -905 (-13%) Cluster 2: -1,058 (-16%) Cluster 3: +1,963 (+42%)

11 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research 1991 2001London 2001 1991 South East 2001 1991 South West Cluster 1: -2,186 (-12%) Cluster 2: -118 (-28%) Cluster 3: +2,304 (+43%) Cluster 1: +401 (+4%) Cluster 2: -1,783 (-18%) Cluster 3: +1,382 (+23%) Cluster 1: -30 (-1%) Cluster 2: -1,395 (-15%) Cluster 3: +1,425 (+34%)

12 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research 2001 1991

13 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research 2001 1991

14 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Research

15 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Outputs  Papers  Vickers, D.W. and Rees, P.H. (2007). Creating the National Statistics 2001 Output Area Classification. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 170(2).  Vickers, D.W. and Rees, P.H. (2006). Introducing the National Classification of Census Output Areas, Population Trends, 125.  Conferences and Meetings  June 2006, 3 rd International Population Geography Conf, Liverpool.  August 2006, Regional Science, Jersey.  2 nd November 2006 Exploring the use and value of the ONS output area classification, seminar at the RSS in London.  Tomorrow, Geodemographics workshop, ICOSS University of Sheffield.  2 nd April 2007 repeat of the RSS seminar by popular demand. 2 nd April 2007 repeat of the RSS seminar by popular demand  April 2007 AAG San Francisco.

16 Changing Residential Patterns 1991 - 2001 Outputs  Other activities  The formation of a Classification user group as part of the RSS  Website will hopefully be formally lunched on 2 nd April  Other meetings and events to follow 

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