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CHAPTER 11 Read along PPT. RANDY AND LIB MARRY  At noon on Easter Sunday, in the Bragg House, by Reverend Henry  Helen gives her own wedding ring to.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 11 Read along PPT. RANDY AND LIB MARRY  At noon on Easter Sunday, in the Bragg House, by Reverend Henry  Helen gives her own wedding ring to."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 11 Read along PPT

2 RANDY AND LIB MARRY  At noon on Easter Sunday, in the Bragg House, by Reverend Henry  Helen gives her own wedding ring to Lib and Randy

3 HIGHWAYMEN STRIKE AGAIN…  Raid Jim Hickey’s home (the bee keeper)- killing him and his wife  Their children escape and walk to Fort Repose to their aunt’s house  Randy- “when they rules are off, you make your own” (267)

4 THE PLAN (PG. 268-270)  Randy finds a county map and plans their movements carefully  There were 4 roads in the town- randy marks where Dan was assaulted and where they killed the Hickey’s  It was “guess work” but they needed to plan their route saving the most amount of gas  Decided to take River Road first (closest) then to Paso Creek into Fort Repose  Randy was going to drive with Malachi, Sam Hazzard and Bill concealed in the body of the van  Weapons- decided shotguns better than rifles and has a.45 automatic on the seat behind him along with a knife  Cuts holes on each side and in the rear door  Last minute- Malachi volunteers to be up front driving because, as he says, “They’re more likely to tackle a black face than a white face” (270)

5 THE PLAN CONT…  They agree Malachi would be better “bait”  Plan- “they’ll kill you if you go for your gun. So leave your gun alone until we start shooting” (271)

6 THEY START PATROLLING…  Pass the Hickey’s and see his car missing….”The objective of the highwaymen was probably the car and the gas, Randy deduced, rather than honey. This conclusion disheartened him. The highwaymen might be hundreds of miles from Fort Repose now” (272)  Suddenly, he sees they are being followed by a Jeep  Suspects they are being “herded”  Randy “prays that the men behind him were highwaymen” (274)  They approach a bridge where they see his Model-A and the men as Dan described

7 THE CONFRONTATION  The men are armed  They pull right up close to them and try to lure them closer so they can shoot from the back of the van  They approach the van and ask what Malachi has in there- says nothing and won’t get out- they drag him out  They shoot two of the men from the back of the van but Malachi was already beaten by the man with the bat and shot  Ask the man left alive where Dan’s bag is- says the woman ran off with it last night after she “goofed off with some bastard with a bottle” (277

8 AFTER THEY SHOOT THE HIGHWAYMEN….  Raid the cars of food and weapons and get Malachi back home to see if Dan can help him  Bring the “captive” back too- his name is Casey (279)  “So many people died for nothing. Malachi was dying for something” (281)

9 RANDY AND LIB  It’s their wedding night  They kick out Ben Franklin to have their own room from now on  Her father and best man give them a wedding “gift” (283)

10 THE HANGING  The captive was hung noon on Monday in Marines Park  Randy “wanted the strangers to be impressed and spread the word beyond Fort Repose” (283)  On this day, Randy also accepted the first “enlistments” that became “Bragg’s Troop” (283) – 7 men volunteered  After the execution, Randy posts notices in the park that the men were killed and what happened, including the official death announcement for Malachi

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