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Computer Science in Medicine MDCS 134 Lecture 2. What is a Software? Its step by step instructions telling the computer how to process data, execute operations.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science in Medicine MDCS 134 Lecture 2. What is a Software? Its step by step instructions telling the computer how to process data, execute operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science in Medicine MDCS 134 Lecture 2

2 What is a Software? Its step by step instructions telling the computer how to process data, execute operations and tasks. Software can be divided by two groups: System Application

3 Application Software A program which executes a specific task, such as word processing, database management financial planning.

4 System Software The System Software refers to all the programs which control the basic functions of a computer. They include: 1.Operation Systems ( Windows98, ME, XP, Mac OS) 2.Systems Utilities( virus programs, back up utility) 3.Language Translators (compilers)

5 Operation Systems It comprises a set of programs and files that control the hardware and software resources of a computer system. Examples: MS-DOS Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP Pocket PC Mac - OS

6 MS-DOS Developed by Microsoft in 1981 Text-based Operation System Communicate with the computer using commands that exists within its library. Examples: 1.C:\>DIR to show all list of all files in the C Drive 2.C:\>Del mail.txt will delete the file mail.txt

7 Microsoft Windows Windows XPWindows MEWindows 2000Windows 98 -Update to all Windows versions. -More secure and reliable. -Offers support for the latest technologies. - Designed for home use. -Include: 1. New system safeguards 2. Support for DVD 3.Support for Music Player. 4. Support for Mobile Computers. -Built upon the Windows NT architecture. -Designed for business users. - Internet access is part of user Interface -Its active desktop let you find information easily. - USB and Multimedia Extensions. -System include: 1.Outlook Express 2. NetMeeting 3. Chat program 4. Web-page editor

8 Pocket PC This Operation system is developed for handheld computers.

9 Mac-OS Combines the elegance of Macintosh and the power of UNIX. Large Parts of the Mac OS are inside the System Files and the Finder, Kept in the System folder. Content of system files are loaded automatically at start up. The finder enable users to work with disks, programs, and files. Can Create CDs and record DVDs. Offers Internet Capabilities, support Java, and Wireless Connections.

10 System Utilities Small Programs which improve system’s performance. Desk accessories that can be called up while working on another application;. Can be activated when you turn the computer on ( virus protection), or can be run when you need them.

11 Units Of memory Information is processed and stored in computers as Electrical Signals. It can be either ON or OFF. All Digital Computer uses binary notations to represent characters, where a character is defined as a letter, digit, or special symbol. Binary notations has only two digits : 1 means ON and 0 means OFF.

12 Bits & bytes: Each 1 or 0 is called a bit, as abbreviation for binary digit. A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A group of 8 bits is 1 byte and can represent one character. Example: -01000001 represent the letter A -01000011 represent the Letter C

13 Kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes We use Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), and Gigabytes (GB) to describe the RAM memory, the storage capacity, and the size of any document. 1 KB = 1,024 bytes 1 MB = 1,024 KB 1 GB = 1,024 MB

14 Thanks You

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