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A New Approach to Branding UWI on line Why are we really here? Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill University & Campus Director Marketing & Communications The University.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Approach to Branding UWI on line Why are we really here? Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill University & Campus Director Marketing & Communications The University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Approach to Branding UWI on line Why are we really here? Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill University & Campus Director Marketing & Communications The University of the West Indies

2 Setting the Context New strategic vision for UWI –By 2012, the Uwi will be innovative, internationally competitive, contemporary university deeply rooted in the Caribbean, committed to creating the best possible future for all stakeholders. It will be the university of first choice for the region’s students and talented academics. It will provide a truly supportive environment that rewards excellence and it will be agile enough to thrive in a dynamic global environment.

3 Setting the Context cont’d Core Strategic Focus of the plan –Teaching & Learning –Graduate studies –Research & Innovation –Service to UWI -12 Countries & other Underserved Communities

4 Setting the Context cont’d Major enablers –Administrative reform –Marketing & Branding –Funding the enterprise Other areas of importance –Strengthening regionality –Strengthening national engagement process –International partnerships

5 And the ‘web’ fits where? Cross cutting Part of the integrated marketing mix Search engine marketing Viral marketing Web 2.0 technologies CGC

6 Some interesting stats..

7 The internet reaches 747 million people worldwide. Stamats 2007

8 Some interesting stats.. INTERNET USERS AND POPULATION STATS FOR THE AMERICAS REGION Population ( 2007 Est. ) % Pop. America Internet Users, Latest Data % Population ( Penetration ) % Usage America Use Growth ( 2000-2007 ) North America334,538,01837.5 %234,788,86470.2 %67.0 %117.2 % South America370,225,92341.5 %82,969,70022.4 %23.7 %480.5 % Central America146,757,82916.5 %26,701,80018.2 %7.6 %729.9 % The Caribbean39,622,8754.4 %6,088,20915.4 %1.7 %988.3 % TOTAL AMERICAS891,144,645100.0 %350,548,57339.3 %100.0 %177.8 %

9 Some interesting stats.. CARIBBEAN INTERNET USERS AND POPULATION STATISTICS CARIBBEAN REGION Population ( 2007 Est. ) % Pop. of World Internet Users, Latest Data Penetration (% Population) Usage % of World Use Growth ( 2000-2007 ) Caribbean39,622,8750.6 %5,985,20915.1 %0.5 %969.9 % Rest of the World 6,535,043,54299.4 %1,167,124,71617.9 %99.5 %223.8 % WORLD TOTAL6,574,666,417100.0 %1,173,109,92517.8 %100.0 %225.0 % NOTES: (1) Statistics for the Caribbean were updated on June 30, 2007. (2) Population is based on data contained in (3) The most recent usage data comes mainly from figures published by Nielsen//NetRatings, ITU, Computer Industry Almanac, and trustworthy local sources. (4) Data on this site may be cited, giving due credit and establishing an active link back to Internet World Stats. (5) For definitions and help, see the site surfing guide. Copyright © 2007, Miniwatts Marketing Group. All rights reserved. Nielsen//NetRatings ITU Computer Industry Almanac Internet World Stats site surfing guide

10 Internet Usage and Population Statistics for the Caribbean CARIBBEAN Population ( 2007 Est. ) % Pop. Cari b. Internet Usage, Latest Data % Population (Penetrati on) % Users Carib. Use Growth ( 2000- 2007 ) Anguilla13,4870.0 %3,00022.2 %0.1 %226.4 % Antigua & Barbuda72,3770.2 %29,00040.1 %0.6 %480.0 % Aruba70,3220.2 %24,00034.1 %0.5 %500.0 % Bahamas335,1420.8 %103,00030.7 %2.0 %686.3 % Barbados267,3530.7 %160,00059.8 %3.1 %2,566.7 % British Virgin Islands22,4340.1 %4,00017.8 %0.1 %n/a % Cayman Islands50,3480.1 %9,90919.7 %0.2 %27.0 % Cuba11,365,12428.7 %190,0001.7 %3.6 %216.7 % Dominica71,3880.2 %26,00036.4 %0.5 %1,200.0 % Dominican Republic9,260,25823.4 %1,500,00016.2 %28.8 %2,627.3 % Grenada101,0080.3 %19,00018.8 %0.4 %363.4 % Guadeloupe458,1741.2 %85,00018.6 %1.6 %962.5 % Haiti8,429,00621.3 %600,0007.1 %11.5 %9,900.0 % Jamaica2,710,0636.8 %1,067,00039.4 %20.5 %1,678.3 % Martenique400,2291.0 %130,00032.5 %2.5 %2,500.0 % Monserrat4,7960.0 %n/a0.0 % n/a % Netherlands Antilles186,0260.5 %2,0001.1 %0.0 %n/a % Puerto Rico3,992,54510.1 %1,000,00025.0 %19.2 %400.0 % St. Kitts & Nevis39,3820.1 %10,00025.4 %0.2 %400.0 % Saint Lucia169,5760.4 %55,00032.4 %1.1 %1,733.3 % St. Vincent & Grenadines125,8820.3 %10,0007.9 %0.2 %185.7 % Trinidad & Tobago1,330,1643.4 %160,00012.0 %3.1 %60.0 % Turks & Caicos34,8510.1 %n/a0.0 % n/a % US Virgin Islands112,9400.3 %30,00026.6 %0.6 %150.0 % TOTAL CARIBBEAN39,622,875100.0 %5,216,90915.1 %100.0 %969.9 % NOTES: (1) The Caribbean Statistics were updated on June 30, 2007. (2) CLICK on each country name for detailed individual country and regional statistics. (3) The demographic (population) numbers are based on data contained in (4) Bermuda is included together with the North American countries according to the United Nations Statistical Division listings. (5) The most recent usage information comes mainly from the data published by Nielsen//NetRatings, ITU, and other reliable sources. (6) Data may be cited, giving due credit and establishing an active link back back to (7) For definitions and help, see the site surfing guide. Copyright © 2007, Miniwatts Marketing Group. All rights surfing guide

11 The Millennials – Interesting facts Teens: 15-18 age-group Consume 2.5 hours of TV per day Spend more than 1.5 hours on the internet per day Based on 2006 Veronis Suhler Stevenson Report University students spend an average of 19.2 hours online per week. 80% regularly use social networking sites 95% own a mobile 78% sent a text message in the last week 75% own a music player, e.g. iPod 55% own a video game device Based on 2007 survey by Youth Trends

12 Web 2.0: Imagine the Possibilities

13 Tools for Collaboration Social Networks –Facebook, MySpace –Flickr –YouTube Blogs Wiki’s Podcasts

14 What does this mean for us We cannot be the proverbial ostrich We cannot have a half hearted attempt The internet levels the playing field The power of one…new technologies and viral marketing is here to stay

15 Because we ARE there…and I am not only talking about the official websites




19 It never goes away Anything that is published can live forever


21 Have an agreed approach to branding / e-branding / e- marketing or any such thing

22 So our on-line brand must be Robust Consistent Distinctive One university – four campuses Anchored by a team approach Top level pages/landing pages Adoption of Web 2.0 technologies

23 To accomplish this Resources, resources and more resources Clear definition of web team The Right people to fit into the carefully identified/described positions Work together across campuses – virtual teams Learn from Best Practice on each campus

24 To accomplish this Clear web promotional strategy - use of landing pages / SEM Clear understanding that does not mean the death of print – supportive Getting the lower pages right M&C and IT working closely together

25 So the next steps…

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