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1 The Changing Work Environment: Taking the High Road Presented by: Gloria Carter-Hicks Hicks-Carter-Hicks, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Changing Work Environment: Taking the High Road Presented by: Gloria Carter-Hicks Hicks-Carter-Hicks, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Changing Work Environment: Taking the High Road Presented by: Gloria Carter-Hicks Hicks-Carter-Hicks, LLC

2 22 Types of Change Planned Change – This is an intentional systematic process used to improve the organization’s culture, competencies, leadership, operations, products, services, and technology via a proactive response to internal and/or external factors affecting the business. (Managed)

3 33 Types of Change (continued) Unplanned Change – This is a reactionary response to internal and external factors affecting the business. Such a response is tactical, and often an act induced by pressure. (Unmanaged)

4 44 Reasons for Organizational Change External Factors –Examples: Competition Market Conditions Economy Internal Factors –Examples: Change in Leadership Change in focus, direction and/or strategy Need for Organizational Improvements

5 55 Organizational & Departmental Resistance Remedies Develop a vision and mission Establish a strategic plan that supports the mission and vision Create and execute implementation plans Develop accountabilities Develop & implement a communication strategy Educate employees about the change Create a process for employee involvement

6 66 Quote Most people hate any change that doesn’t jingle in their pockets. – Anonymous “Show me the money!”

7 77 Individual Resistance Remedies Provide an understanding of why change is needed (business rationale) Explain how the change will affect the individual (tune into station WIIFM) Seek feedback, input, and assistance from the individual (participation) Mutually set goals and objectives Gain personal commitment and ownership Share information regularly Negotiate only when appropriate

8 8 Betrayal Denial Identity Crisis Search for Solutions T i m e Informational Supportive Inspirational Type of Communication Pre-transitional Productivity P r o d u c t i v i t y Change Curve

9 99 High Road: Champion of Change I’m a champion # 1 Change Champion

10 10 Low Road: Don’t be a Victim “Our department is being restructured.” “Please… No more change. I can’t handle the change.”

11 Your Perspective Indifferent Emotional Skeptical OptimisticInnovativeReserve/Cool/Calm

12 12 Change Components Employee Participation Teamwork WIIFM Alignment Champions Planned Change Strategy Business Rationale Ownership

13 13 Contact Information Gloria Carter-Hicks, President & CEO 314-286-9940

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