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COMMUNICATION By Baohan. CONTENTS Spoken Symbols and signs Braille Written Electronic Telephone.

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2 CONTENTS Spoken Symbols and signs Braille Written Electronic Telephone

3 S POKEN Communicating between people is mostly through speech. There are many languages in the world. When someone can’t talk they use sign language.

4 WRITTEN Words and pictures tell us something. Cave men wrote by using pictures on rocks. Egyptians used hieroglyphics to communicate. Writing is the important way we communicate today.

5 S IGNS AND SYMBOL Signs are short messages. Signs can tell you where to go. Symbol are little pictures that help communicate quickly. Colours only have one or two colours.

6 B RAILLE It is a form of communication used by blind people. You use your sense of feeling because blind people can not see. It is a number of raised bumps. A book of Braille is plain with no pictures..

7 TELEPHONE It is useful because you can communicate with people around the word. It was invented in 1876 and was invented by Alexander graham Bell. The phone changes your voice into little signals that travel thou

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