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MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management EAU/RMD Sandra Lanini.

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Presentation on theme: "MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management EAU/RMD Sandra Lanini."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management EAU/RMD Sandra Lanini

2 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 2 IWRM in BRGM Lumped hydrological models Complex system modelling ex: Application of bayesian networks to account for ecology in integrated models etc,... Integrated modelling tools for Decision Support Water scenarios Participatory approaches ex: Evaluation of the « focus group » method etc,... Socio-economy of water management Geological and hydrogeological expertise

3 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 3 > Examples of 2 past projects GOUVERNe Modelling of the Hérault Socio-hydrosystem > IWRM in MEDITATE WP4 - Water Management Support System

4 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 4 GOUVERNe TIDDD Tool to Inform Debates, Dialogue & Deliberations Development of a multimedia software designed to explore the environmental and socio-economical impacts of various water management scenarios

5 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 5 GOUVERNe The TIDDD is based on a determinist hydrogeological modelling and water management scenarios (scenarios simulations are already performed and their results are stored in a appropriate database) TIDDD

6 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 6 MAP of the TIDDD Example of result: map of the thickness of the aquifer Multicriteria evaluation of scenario

7 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 7 Modelling of the Hérault Socio-hydrosystem Study area: Upstream section (100 km 2 ) of the alluvial plain of the Hérault catchment Montpellier Béziers Mediterranean Sea 10 km

8 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 8 Multicriteria analysis > Geology (geological expertise) > Hydrology and hydrogeology (Digital Elevation Model, hydraulics, groundwater expertise…) > Land use (remote photo, field study…) > Water users, actors and conflicts (institutional study, stakeholders interviews…) Topography Satellite view Geology Water Uses and conflicts

9 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 9 Modelling methodology Multicriteria analysis of the sociohydrosystem Definition of Homogeneous Units (multilayers: surface with human activities / soil and non-saturated zone / aquifer) Design of a conceptual model describing the sociohydrosystem functionning

10 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 10 Screen capture Numerical model > Numerical translation of the conceptual model > Developed with the Matlab/Simulink© software > Graphical User Interface designed for Decision Support

11 MEDITATE - Kick-off meeting - Montpellier, 07-08/05/04 > 11 MEDITATE - Water Management Support System Physical data and knowledge + Hydrological models Water scenario Alternative ressource, hydrological and technological data WP1WP3WP2 Result Interpretation tool development Cost and Environmental Analysis Definition of scenarios to be run (and associated input data) Selection, adaptation... WMSS Scenario runs Results analysis WP4

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