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Prepared for presentation to MANI 2011 Africa Consultation : the Blessings, the Challenges and the Opportunities! on Children and Youth (The 4 – 14 Window):

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared for presentation to MANI 2011 Africa Consultation : the Blessings, the Challenges and the Opportunities! on Children and Youth (The 4 – 14 Window):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared for presentation to MANI 2011 Africa Consultation : the Blessings, the Challenges and the Opportunities! on Children and Youth (The 4 – 14 Window): The Least Reached People Group in Africa Abuja, September 5 to 9 2011 Million Terefe Gobena, CDTRC, Ethiopia Delegate

2 Part one : Our Africa

3 Our Africa! The cradle of human life The home of shining waterfalls, beautiful flamingos, the best and all of nature!

4 Our Africa! Whose womb is filled with precious stones like diamonds, gold and silver, Great minerals like platinum, copper and iron ore Rich oil reserves

5 Great people Estimated at 967 million people 400 million (42 percent) under the age of 15 Projected to reach 1.9 billion by 2050 and to account for 21 percent of world population

6 And yet--- It is a continent: ◦ Where poverty, in many cases abject poverty, reigns ◦ Where the forces of diseases rampage it unabated ◦ Ignorance and illiteracy are in abundance ◦ More over, women and children are the most abused.

7 Our greatest challenge Our greatest challenge remains, how to transform those rich natural and human resources for the benefit of the people of Africa.

8 The need to focus on The 4 – 14 Window  Children are malleable- The bible and human knowledge agree fully on this  Statistics show 4/14 Window are most numerous  Longevity- Live longer and therefore impact longer  Agents of transformation- children have been and can be agents of transformation

9 Part two The way man looks at the young

10 The human view children and youth “There is still the youngest, but he is tending the sheep” (Jesse about David1 sam.16:11)“ Thus, there is no greatest mistake than seeing only a child in a child

11 Part three The way God looks at children and the young

12 God’s perception of children Children deserve the time and attention of the Most High (Mark 10:14) They deserve the central place (Mt. 18:2) God hears the cry of children (Gen. 21:17) Used as model for greatness (Mt.18) Models for how to enter the Kingdom of God

13 God’s perception cont’d Are useful instruments: Their services are accepted ◦ Samuel served God as a child (1Sam. 3:1) ◦ Out of the mouths of babes you shall raise praises Ps. 8:2

14 God’s perception cont’d Children are God’s language of love to the world. Pure love which is extended to others without expecting a return of one form or another is mainly found in the realm of God. Children can be said to be the only ones who “humanize” such love.

15 Part four: Need for Children's Ministry Ethiopian Church Leaders resolve Things have to change in Ethiopia The church is uniquely positioned to make a significant contribution The church has to play a more Proactive role on its own and in partnership with others

16 Ethiopian Church Leaders cont’d Thus called for the establishment of a body to spearhead the efforts of the transformation. The Local Church and Children as vital instruments for transformation The Child Development Training and Research Center (CDTRC) Officially launched July 2007

17 Vision Vision, Mission of the CDTRC The vision of the CDTRC is to see a new generation of Ethiopians that are disciples of Christ, lead exemplary lives and become sources of transformation of Ethiopia and beyond

18 Threats to Ethiopia’s Future Identified major challenges facing the Ethiopian society are:  Environmental degradation  Ethnic conflict/tribalism  Low level of democratic culture  Poverty

19 Threats cont’d Weakness in the area of good governance Low level of appreciation and understanding of human and children’s rights Poor hygiene and sanitation

20 Why the local church? Reasons for focusing on Ethiopia’s local churches:  Exists in all parts of the country- over 40,000 evangelicals and 80,000 Orthodox local churches  Composed of all peoples, tongues, nations and nationalities within the country  Faces the challenges and has the solutions

21 Major Target Groups Major target groups of the CDTRC  Children Sunday school teachers  Church and theological school leaders  Government officials  Para church child focused organizations  Parents and potential parents  School teachers

22 10/28/2015 22 Ministry Focus Ministry Focus The CDTRC:  Conducts training programs for children of SS teachers, children ministry workers, churches, child focused NGOs, government and community leaders  Prepares teaching and training materials for children’s ministry  Acts as advocate for children

23 Concluding remarks To spearhead the efforts of transformation, (for the Blessings, the Challenges and the opportunities) in Africa, the issue of children takes central place. That undertakes the fulfillment of the Great Commission and Discipeling the Nations It is only then the Generation models the kingdom of God to prevail on this Planet.

24 Discussion Question Discussion Question How best can we mobilize our local Churches potentials towards shaping the Youth & children in Africa?

25 Thank you! & May God Bless Africa!!

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