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Leadership In Support of English Learners Merle Price January 18, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership In Support of English Learners Merle Price January 18, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership In Support of English Learners Merle Price January 18, 2005

2 Goals for today and beyond…  Refamiliarize ourselves with EL strategies and scaffolds so that… - we can ask reflective questions to teachers after an observation; - we can call out EL strategies that we saw or that we would like to have seen

3 Goals for today and beyond…  Provide appropriate PD for all teachers to meet the needs of all students  Ensure that PD supports teachers with scaffolds to implement in lesson design studies, middle school Understanding by Design units and SLC interdisciplinary units

4 Content Based Learning for Today  Which students are most in need of support by administrators and teachers in LD 6?  How do we support these students from the leadership framework? From nested learning communities?  How do we connect our professional development to the needs of the students?

5 Why these goals? District 6 EL’s currently in grade 9 who have been in our schools for at least 7 years and NOT reclassified:  Bell Complex468 of 1241  Huntington Park429 of 1129  South Gate245 of 1072

6 Why these goals? District 6 Data for students not yet reclassified:  Grade 5, only 5% of are proficient in ELA  Grades 6 – 12, only 2% are proficient in ELA Of this years seniors, over 75% of students in grade 12 who are PRP have not passed CAHSEE

7 Why these goals? Needs of English Learners:  In LAUSD, all subgroups met their proficiency rate AYP for ELA except for EL students and students with disabilities (18.4% proficient compared to 29.1% proficient for all students)

8 Themes for the year  Professional development linked to specific curriculum: Open Court High Point Instructional Guides Concept Lessons Into English! 3 rd and 4 th Grade

9 Themes for the year  Develop nested learning communities or communities of practice: Plan Enact Reflect Examine student work Revisit at grade level meetings, department meetings, cadre meetings and refine practice

10 Leadership Goals  Modeling of leadership through ability to articulate a clear vision and goals  Hold ourselves accountable as learners  Focus on teaching practices  Work collaboratively to solve problems

11 Internal Accountability  In providing PD what is the role of: The director The principal The assistant principal The coach

12 Internal Accountability  How clear are our expectations for implementation of curriculum, lessons, use of interim assessments and agreed upon tools and products?  How are we using data to drive the urgency for change of practice?

13 Mary Bacon’s Challenge  How do we keep in mind the needs of Miguel and Jerome?  As administrators how are we creating supportive environments and cultures for teachers to support diverse learners?  How do we create and sustain opportunities for teachers and students to be successful?

14 Features of Effective Schools  High Expectations: Beyond Pobrecito  Making Data Part of the Culture  A Focused Plan  Interactive Principal Leadership  Professional Development Redefined  Standards-Based Curriculum and Instruction

15 Sample Feature to be Implemented DATA Action steps to implement:  Identify needs of students in bands 1 and 2 (FBB’s and BB’s)  Know exactly which students need to do to move ELD levels  Facilitate planning time for teachers  Revisit intervention programs targeting named students.

16 Table Talk  Among your identified next steps, how are you addressing the needs of English Learners?  How can scaffolding strategies be embedded into professional development already scheduled for specific content areas?

17 Last Year’s Work  Read and Studied Pauline Gibbons work  Shadowed one student  Model lessons for each core content area  Focus walkthroughs on accountable talk and student engagement (emphasis on student talk)  Second shadowing to verify progress toward desired outcomes  Diane August research on EL learners

18 Finally,  As you listen to Pauline Gibbons and observe a lesson in English Language Arts, begin to think about how to best provide feedback and relfective questions to your teachers with the tools and time they need to better their practice for their students.

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