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Leadership & Execution Brigadier General John J. Kelly, Jr., United States Air Force (Ret.) Deputy Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Mid-Level.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership & Execution Brigadier General John J. Kelly, Jr., United States Air Force (Ret.) Deputy Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Mid-Level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership & Execution Brigadier General John J. Kelly, Jr., United States Air Force (Ret.) Deputy Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Mid-Level Retreat 08.23.2005 Creating One NOAA

2 2 NOAA’s Mission To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs.

3 3 Eye On The Mission “Every business, if it is to succeed, must have a sense of direction and mission, so that no matter what you are doing, you know how you fit in, and that what you are doing is important.” —former IBM CEO Louis Gerstner

4 4 NOAA’s Vision An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions.

5 5 Eye On The Vision “Everything you do is for a reason and that reason is contained within the vision.” — Merck & Co chair, president and CEO Raymond Gilmartin

6 6 Current Environment US Ocean Action Plan Global Earth Observing System of Systems—GEOSS US Tsunami Plan Climate Change Science Plan—CCSP Update to Strategic Plan Management of Research Enterprise Public-Private Partnership DOC Leadership, Congress Budget Outlook Administration Priorities Defense/Homeland Security NOAA Organizational Structure

7 7 Transformation to “One-NOAA” Holding Company Ad Hoc Subjective Decisions Talk Corporation Process Fact-based Decisions Execution

8 8 NOAA Organizational Structure

9 9 LEADERSHIP NOAA “Business” Model

10 What do you want us to do, Boss?! Leadership

11 11 Leader’s 7 Essential Behaviors 1. Know your people and your business. 2. Insist on realism. 3. Set clear goals and priorities. 4. Follow through. 5. Reward the doers. 6. Expand people’s capabilities through coaching. 7. Know yourself.

12 12 Life’s Paradoxes Centralized efficiencies vs. decentralized responsiveness Being disciplined vs. being innovative Taking risks vs. avoiding mistakes Knowing the details vs. delegating responsibility Fast decision process vs. correct decisions Respect for the individual vs. criticism

13 13 LEADERSHIP NOAA “Business” Model

14 14 Performance Measures Understandable and meaningful Organizational culture — achievement important Performance measures at several levels Information guide to action to improve performance

15 15 Strategy … Metrics … Leaders … Actions Strategy Mission Goals Stakeholders Metrics Report Rationalize Resources Align Effort Manage Accountabilities Manage Processes Manage Capabilities Decide Implement Strategy Improve Performance

16 16 Execution Leaders are central to execution. Know yourself. Be engaged in both the “whats and hows.” Be honest about all realities. Promote ongoing honest dialogue. Create and maintain an execution culture Translate visions and goals into tangible deliverables and actions.

17 17 Execution Put the “right” people in the “right” places. Be involved in selections. Reward the doers. Expand the capabilities through coaching. Put processes and mechanisms in place to effectively operationalize execution. Strategic plan – stretch goals. Strategy reviews. Operating plans. Realistic resources and budgets.

18 18 Keys to Creating “One NOAA” Remove the Stovepipe Culture Improve understanding of how Line/Staff Offices impact/benefit each other NMAONWSOARNOSNMFS NESDIS

19 19 Keys to Creating “One NOAA” Improve Communication

20 20 Keys to Creating “One NOAA” Focus on Integration NMFS — Pacific Islands Regional Office; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center and Honolulu Lab; Office of Law Enforcement NWS — Pacific Region Headquarters; International Tsunami Information Center; Honolulu Electronics and Technical Support Unit NOS — Pacific Regional Office for National Marine Sanctuary Program; NW HI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve; HI Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary; Pacific Services Center NMAO — Marine Operations Center - Pacific NOAA Office of General Counsel Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research Office of Public Affairs

21 What do you want NOAA to look like in 15 years?

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