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Information Meeting 2014-2015.  Thank you for being here tonight and for sharing your students with us!  We will be as respectful of your time as possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Meeting 2014-2015.  Thank you for being here tonight and for sharing your students with us!  We will be as respectful of your time as possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Meeting 2014-2015

2  Thank you for being here tonight and for sharing your students with us!  We will be as respectful of your time as possible.  Please take notes on questions that you have…we will try to cover as much information as possible, but we will primarily save questions for the end.

3  Mr. Joseph Dittfurth; Head Band Director ◦ Honor Band ◦ Beginner Brass ◦ Beginner Percussion ◦ Jazz Band  Ms. Heather Lemieux ◦ Symphonic Band ◦ Concert Band ◦ Beginner Woodwinds

4 Willis Independent School District  Willis Band Boosters ◦ Parent organization formed to help serve the needs of the Willis Band ◦ Help organize fundraisers, student events, and other activities.  Kroger Cards  Booster Membership

5  Mr. Dittfurth ◦ Email: ◦ Office Phone: (936)890-7220  Ms. Lemieux ◦ Email: ◦ Office Phone: (936)890-4101

6  Facebook ◦ Check us out! ◦ Brabham Bobkat Band  Remind ◦ Flyers on the back wall will instruct you as to how you can sign up for Remind!  Teacher Websites ◦ Look up the BMS Webpage and find our BMS Band page and individual director profiles  Willis Bands Webpage ◦

7 Where can I find it? Go to Ms. Lemieux’s webpage on the BMS website and click on “calendar” Ask your student (they should have gotten one last week AND it will be included in their band binder) What if there are changes? – We will be sure to notify you asap when a change needs to be made using Remind, Facebook, webpages, and/or email. “Required” Events – Notated on the calendar – Are Major Grades  What if my student needs to miss a “required” event? ◦ Please notify us at least one(1) week before the conflict through note or email.

8  Cover the cost of the following: ◦ Band Binders ◦ Band Shirts ◦ Contest fees (advanced bands only)  Beginner Band ◦ $30  Symphonic Band ◦ $35  Honor Band ◦ $45  School-Owned Instrument Fee (SOI) ◦ $40

9  Required for each student  Goes home each night for practice  Needs to be in class each day for rehearsals.

10 Front DesignBack Design

11  Required Major Grades  Listed on band calendar  Will require specific clothing requirements

12  Beginner Band ◦ Girls: Dress or Nice Skirt and Top ◦ Boys:  Button Down Dress Shirt and Tie  Slacks  Dress Shoes  Advanced Band ◦ Tux Shirt, Bow Tie, Black Slacks, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes ◦ Black Vest is Provided!!!

13 Willis Independent School District  All Students ◦ Band Shirt (cost included in band fees) ◦ Jeans ◦ Close-Toed Shoes  Band Shirt ◦ Parents and family members are welcome to purchase band shirts as well! ◦ Cost is $10 each

14 Beginner Band Trip – Total cost per student = approx. $60 – Two separate days Thursday, May 14 th – Contest Performance at Spring HS Saturday, May 16 th – Fun day at Wet ‘n Wild Splashtown Advanced Band Trips -Six Flags – Dallas -Total cost per student = approx. $175 -Saturday, May 9th

15 Willis Independent School District  Required to have on file for all students  Forms will be passed out tomorrow in class  Forms will be due by Monday!  We will be updating our contact information off of these forms, so please make sure they are as up-to-date as possible.

16  Must have a blue parent volunteer form on file with Brabham – can be found at front desk  Must make sure you are on our list for a specific trip/event (please do not assume )  Chaperones are always needed, so if you are interested in a specific trip/event, let us know!!!  If helping with a trip/event, we will meet prior to discuss and divide up chaperone responsibilities

17 Willis Independent School District  Applies for any co-curricular performance/trip the band takes  Student must pass all classes for the 6 weeks prior to the event.  We will monitor eligibility, but it is the student’s responsibility to make sure they pass their classes

18 Beginner Band ◦ Woodwinds – Began this week ◦ Brass/Percussion – Begin next week ◦ Checked every Tuesday in class ◦ Must have a parent signature/initials verifying time practiced Advanced Band ◦ Handed out last week ◦ Checked during sectionals each week ◦ Must have a parent signature/initials verifying time practiced

19  Weekly tutorial for each student in Honor or Symphonic Band  Attendance is graded  Practice Cards are checked during this time  Chair Tests take place  Your student should already have this scheduled ◦ Otherwise we are working very closely with them to find a “best fit” time for them and their section

20 What are private lessons???  30 minutes a week of one- on-one instruction with an experienced musician.  Great addition to the overall development of your student’s musicianship.  Scholarships are available!  See Mr. Dittfurth or Ms. Lemieux for Enrollment Forms or fill out form online

21 Feel free to stick around to ask any other questions that you may have. Thanks for coming!

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