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Professional Learning Communities Session 4 Toledo School District February 9, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Learning Communities Session 4 Toledo School District February 9, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Learning Communities Session 4 Toledo School District February 9, 2010

2 Norms and Roles

3 Session Overview Part I: Reconnecting to Prior Learning Part II: Decision- Making Part III: Role of Leadership

4 Today’s Learning Targets Outcomes and Targets Teams will review topics from prior sessions and focus of their local needs. Teams will learn about decision- making models (using 1 tonight). Teams will explore the role of leadership in support of PLCs.

5 Connecting to Prior Learning What are the four questions of PLCs and which is your ‘entry point’?

6 Reflections on the journey… Our topics thus far have been: – PLC Focus – PLC Conditions – Four Questions of PLCs On your own: – What do you feel are your ‘big ideas’ in each area? With an elbow partner: – What do you feel are you team’s ‘big ideas’ in each area? As a team: – What do you need to attend to in each area?


8 Leadership-Decision Making- School Culture Participants will analyze the concept of “tight-loose” leadership and apply it to their School Culture in relationship to decision-making.”

9 What is the relationship between “tight and loose” Leadership, Decision Making and School Culture? Journal Reflection 5 minutes Share with “elbow” partner 3 minutes

10 “Tight-Loose” Leadership Directed Empowerment DuFour Page 218(Definition) and 194 and 195 Learning by Doing (5 minutes) What should be “tight”? What should be “loose”?

11 Decision Making Models Democratic DDM – Leadership gives up ownership and control of decision-vote Collective-Participative CPDM – Leadership involves the members. Input Leadership accepts responsibility Consensus CDM – Leadership gives up control of decision Group accepts responsibility Autocratic ADM – Leadership has total control and ownership of decision. No input or suggestions

12 What is your school culture? A disposition toward reflective practice, a willingness to change and a collective culture(assumptions, beliefs, expectations and habits) of high expectations are critical to lasting improvement. Think about your culture/conditions Pair and share with someone in your

13 Think about your culture, “tight-loose” and decision-making… TopicDDMCPDMCDMADM Faculty Meetings LID Days Collaboration Time Conference Attendees P= Present No change= NC F=Future

14 Think about… Does professional autonomy extend to the freedom to disregard what is widely considered best practice in one’s field?

15 What is rolling around in your head? Ticket to Dinner

16 Role of Leadership What is your leadership model? What is your role as a member of the leadership team? What do you believe your teams need?

17 Exploring Cases… Your task, should you choose to accept it, is: – Read and discuss each case – Share with whole group – Explore implications for your work See “Three Levels of Text Protocol

18 Reading Assignment Team 1: pp. 13-14 Team 2: pp. 43-44 Team 3: pp. 71-73 Team 4: pp. 89-91

19 Reflection and next steps What will you share with staff as a result of tonight? How did your team model effective group norms? What follow-up or support do you feel you need?

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