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 The Secretan Center Inc. The Blueprint for New Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: " The Secretan Center Inc. The Blueprint for New Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1  The Secretan Center Inc. The Blueprint for New Leadership

2  The Secretan Center Inc. 1. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP: As corporate citizens, we are fully engaged as a powerful agent of positive change for our planet. 1. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP: As corporate citizens, we are fully engaged as a powerful agent of positive change for our planet.

3  The Secretan Center Inc. 2. INSPIRATION: Our work inspires. 2. INSPIRATION: Our work inspires.

4  The Secretan Center Inc. 3. SACREDNESS AND RESPECT: We treat all beings as sacred. 3. SACREDNESS AND RESPECT: We treat all beings as sacred.

5  The Secretan Center Inc. 4. HONORABLE PROFITS: We earn honorable profits from life-affirming activities.

6  The Secretan Center Inc. 5. SPIRIT: Our work is our spiritual practice. 5. SPIRIT: Our work is our spiritual practice.

7  The Secretan Center Inc. 6. VALUES: Our values determine our strategy. 6. VALUES: Our values determine our strategy.

8  The Secretan Center Inc. 7.TRUTHTELLING AND PROMISE-KEEPING: We tell the truth and keep our promises. 7.TRUTHTELLING AND PROMISE-KEEPING: We tell the truth and keep our promises.

9  The Secretan Center Inc. 8. SERVANT LEADERSHIP: Our Leaders serve.

10  The Secretan Center Inc. 9. FUN: Our work is fun.

11  The Secretan Center Inc. 10. LOVE: Love is the heart of our work.

12  The Secretan Center Inc. 11. LEARNING: Learning fuels our Souls.

13  The Secretan Center Inc. 12. CHANGE: We start all change from within - one person at a time.

14  The Secretan Center Inc. 13. POTENTIAL: We create opportunities for individuals to grow and realize their potential.

15  The Secretan Center Inc. 14. BEAUTY: We create beautiful surroundings that inspire the Soul.

16  The Secretan Center Inc. 15. INTEGRATION: We integrate work with life.

17  The Secretan Center Inc. 16. AUTHENTICITY: We live and work authentically.

18  The Secretan Center Inc. 17. COURAGE: We are courageous.

19  The Secretan Center Inc. 18. GRACE: We maintain a state of grace.

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