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Nathan Ricks April 3, 2008 Dr. Fenn Moroccan Music.

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1 Nathan Ricks April 3, 2008 Dr. Fenn Moroccan Music

2  Raï is most commonly pronounced “rye” or “rah- AY”.  The term “raï “ is translated to mean “opinion” in Algerian Arabic.  Now this type of music is usually described as pop music sung in the Arabic, or even French, language with a trace of World Beat influence.  It originally was just a combination of more popular music and traditional Bedouin desert Music.

3  Raï originated in Oran, Algeria from the Bedouin shepherds  Raï started in the in the 1930’s in Algeria  It spread across North Africa as a way to modernize music of the Arabian culture.  It is now spread all across the world with heavier focuses in the communities that can understand the lyrics, generally Arabic ones.

4  In 1509 Oran, Algeria was invaded and captured by the Spanish  The Spanish troops kept women there to entertain the troops  Creating a reputation for hedonism for Oran  In the early 20 th century the city was divided into Jewish, French, Spanish, and Arab quarters.  Each having its own musical preference.

5  Younger individuals had wished to modernize the music of their culture by cobining it with other things, and raï was the result.  However, many people didn’t agree with it, so raï music was seen as rebellious. Just like punk rock was in the 1970’s and rap is today.  Raï musicians were seen as indecent representations of society for a long time.

6  It wasn’t until after the election of president Chadhli Benjedid in 1979 that raï was able to flourish, and successfully spread across North Africa and beyond due to the lessened moral hold on the Algerian community.  Prior to this raï had been opposed by the Algerian Government because of its sexually and culturally risqué topics, such as alcohol and consumerism, but president Chadhli Benjedid had a different view of it. He lossened moral and economic holds that prevented free expression, which is what raï is.

7 JIBUHALU ("BRING HIM TO HER") SA'IDA BA'IDA ("SA'IDA IS FAR AWAY") Y abki wa ynuh, khayaf la az-zarga la truh He cries and weeps; he's afraid that the brunette will leave (him) Jibuhalu ya bni 'ammu jibuhalu Bring him to her, cousins (lit: "children of my paternal uncle"), bring him to her Jibuhalu kuntra 'alli ysaluhalu Bring him to her against those who interfere Sa'ida ba'ida wa al-mashina ghalya wa ya Saïda is far away and the train is expensive Tahwas al-ghaba rgada al-khallaj Walking in the woods and sleeping in the bushes

8 DABLAT GALBI ("RUIN OF MY HEART") Wa skantili al-galb ki al-'aahsh farsha, wa, ki al- 'aeshsh farsha, wah You stayed in my heart like a bird's nest in a tree, yeah, like a bird's nest in a tree Ya kalmtak jarhatni ya al-khudmi la wa al- khudmi la, wah Oh, your words wounded me, not the knife, yeah, not the knife Wa yah dablat galbi wa yah dablat 'umri Oh, ruin of my heart, oh yeah, ruin of my life Ya ma tashtani, wa yah dablat 'umri Yeah, don't hurt [crush] me, oh yeah, ruin of my heart

9  Traditional:  gasba (reed flute)  derbouka (Maghrebi drums)  Among others  More modern instruments:  Violin  Accordion  Trumpets  Electric guitar  Synthesizers  Drum machines  Among others

10  Singers of more modern raï music call themselves:  Cheb/Chab (young man)  Chabas (young woman)  Those of the more tradition style of raï, and generally older, call themselves:  Shikh/Cheikh-male term  Shikha/Cheikha- female term  Singers sometimes use these terms at the beginning of their names as a symbol of the raï music that they sing.

11  Traditional raï  Pop-raï  The most popular and largest style of raï  Rock-raï  Raï Retro  Etc, etc

12  Some more modern examples would be music by:  Cheb Mami  Cheb Khaled  Cheb Sahraoui  Cheb Hasni  Chaba Aicha  Chaba Fadela  Artist can be found across North Africa, but mostly in Algeria.

13  An English sung example of raï:  “Brand New Day”, Sting(1999)  He utilized the vocal styling of Cheb Mami on this album, and Mami's efforts could be easily noticed in the song "Desert Rose".

14  Biddle, Ian, and Vanessa Knights. Music, National Identity and the Politics of Location. Bodmin, Cornwall, Great Britain: Ashgate Oublishing Limited, 2007.  Romer, Megan. "Rai Music 101." (2008)  "Rai Music History." Wikipedia.  "Rai Music Samples." Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Texas at Austin.

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