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ISAT Strategic Diversity Plan Phase II Faculty Summit May 11, 2005.

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1 ISAT Strategic Diversity Plan Phase II Faculty Summit May 11, 2005

2 Why Are We Here? “…The university will be a diverse community whose members share a common JMU experience”

3 Centennial Strategic Plan



6 College’s Response Established the CISAT Diversity Council Drafted a Resolution to Enhance Diversity within the College Asked each Department and Administrative unit within the College to develop a strategic plan for enhancing diversity.

7 Resolution Adopted March 1, 2005

8 Our Charge Develop Departmental Diversity Plans that would feed into a College-Wide Plan

9 Our Response - Phase I Conduct a department wide audit of faculty, staff students. Where are we now? Where do we want to go? Form a representative subcommittee to write to (and expand if necessary) each of the following: Leadership statement Goals Timetable Mechanism for Conflict resolution Monitoring, accountability, evaluation Etc. Develop a Department Diversity Plan

10 Subcommittee Members Anthony Teate, Coordinator Karim Altaii Pauline Cushman Barbra Gabriel Glen Gustafson Ming Ivory Ronald Kander Mary Kimsey Cynthia Klevickis Barbara Kreutzer Joseph Marchal Maria Papadakis Abdelrahman Rabie

11 ISAT Diversity Plan Submitted March 28, 2005 If you want to move people, it has to be toward a vision.... that is positive for them, that taps important values, that gets them something they desire, and it has to be presented in a compelling way that they feel inspired to follow. --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

12 Major Elements of the ISAT Strategic Diversity Plan Leadership Statement Department Self-Assessment – Current Audit Goals, Action Plan, and Timetable Long-Term Goals Short-Term Action Plan and Timetable Monitoring, Evaluation, and Assessment

13 Some Highlights of the Plan ISAT Strategic Diversity Plan - Link

14 Phase I: Short-Term Action Plan and Timetable TaskTimetable 1. Gather information necessary for achieving long term goals. A. Admissions Office procedures  How are minority applications evaluated?  How are affirmative action principles applied?  When are offers of admission finalized?  When are scholarship offers presented? B. Office of Human Resources Perspectives  What is affirmative action?  How should minority applications be evaluated? C. Compare ISAT diversity data to that of JMU, Virginia, and the Nation May 2005 Faculty Summit

15 Phase I: Short-Term Action Plan and Timetable (continued) 2. Build faculty consensus:  There is an issue  LOSS OF FACULTY: WHY? Do we have a problem that is not recognized by the community? (insights from Ron’s exit interviews; Tony’s Diversity Council experiences)  Certain differences in disciplinary interests are real and not necessarily the result of a hostile climate (e.g., women’s strong interest in life sciences and men’s in mathematics).  ISAT has historically made progress in creating diversity but is slipping, e.g., loss of minority faculty and decline in female enrollments.  Identify desired demographics: specify a “desired %” of African-Americans. May and August 2005 Faculty Summit

16 NEXT? Complete tasks from short term action plan and timetable. Prepare report for August summit or early faculty meeting. Move forward with timetable implementation Will need assistance from faculty

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