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Russia Today. A New Russia: The Boris Yeltsin Years 1991-1999.

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Presentation on theme: "Russia Today. A New Russia: The Boris Yeltsin Years 1991-1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia Today

2 A New Russia: The Boris Yeltsin Years 1991-1999

3 Economic Hardship  Abrupt shift to free-market system  Rampant corruption  Rise of Russian business oligarchs

4 The Vladimir Putin Era 2000-present

5 Russian Rebound  Consistent economic and standard of living rise  Energy superpower  Revived international prominence

6 Russo-American Diplomacy  Support in War on Terror  Condemning North Korean 2009 nuclear test  Combined space operations and military drills

7 Alienating the West  2008 Russo-Georgian War  Support of Assad regime in Syria  Political asylum for Edward Snowden  Anti-west rhetoric

8 Cold War Remnants  Increase in military and nuclear spending  Gaining influence in former Soviet bloc  Some suppression of free speech and censorship  Growing police powers (FSB), Siberian prison camps

9 Ukraine Crisis 2015 Annexation of Crimea

10 Current NATO Situation

11 Encroachment by the West  NATO Missile defense system in Poland and Czech Republic  Induction of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to NATO

12 Ukrainian Revolution  Ethnically diverse, Russian minority in East Ukraine  Ukraine attempts to establish ties to the European Union  Protests after EU membership broke down in favor of Russian loan deal  Pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych ousted

13 Map of the Crisis

14 Annexation of Crimea  Civil war breaks out in Ukraine  Pro-Russian separatists with Russian assistance occupy Crimean peninsula  Crimean Parliament declares itself independent, vote to join Russia  Putin annexes Crimea into Russia, publically admits to Russia involvement in Ukraine Civil War

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