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Joplin City of A Decade Change Of. Metropolitan Statistical Area  Designated 1980  Requirements for Designation  4 th Largest MSA in Missouri  Jasper.

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Presentation on theme: "Joplin City of A Decade Change Of. Metropolitan Statistical Area  Designated 1980  Requirements for Designation  4 th Largest MSA in Missouri  Jasper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joplin City of A Decade Change Of

2 Metropolitan Statistical Area  Designated 1980  Requirements for Designation  4 th Largest MSA in Missouri  Jasper & Newton Counties  Core Community of at least 50,000 Persons  Must be a Social, Recreational, Economic and Educational Relationship

3 Jasper Newton MSA Jasper & Newton County BR 249

4 Golden Triangle 249 BR RR Intermodal Air Intermodal Airport

5 The Golden Triangle  Joplin – Carthage - Neosho  Linked by Educational, Social, and 44,612 11,360 9,531 Joplin Carthage Neosho  Transportation Links  MO. 171 / 71  US I-44  MO. 59  Railroads  Regional Airport Economic similarities  Population

6 Economics  Joplin  Carthage  Neosho  New Growth  Jobs – Industrial / Retail  Leggett & Platt / Schreiber Foods / Poultry / Underground  LA-Z-Boy / Sunbeam / Leggett & Platt / Poultry / New Retail  In Webb City and County

7 Education  Missouri Southern State College  Franklin Technical School  Crowder College  Ozark Christian College  Messenger College

8 MPO KCS Railroad Airport KCS Railroad Jasper Newton BR 249

9 Population  Jasper & Newton Counties  City of Joplin  State of Missouri  1990 1998 (Est.) 40,961 44,612  1990 1998 (Est.) 134,910 148,684 9.2% Increase 6.3% Increase  University of Missouri, Office of Social & Economic Data Analysis

10 Growth In Joplin  New Residents since 1990  Metro Area  Planning Area  6,500  75,828  80,000

11 Traffic Study

12 Joplin Traffic Study 1987 vs. 1999  Local Trips  1987 1999  Total Trips  Through Trips 73,131 115,550 88,278 134,444 15,147 18,594 51% 58% 23%

13 States Where Vehicles Entering Joplin are Registered Missouri 72% Kansas Oklahoma Other 12% 8%

14 Origin of Trips from Outside the Joplin Study Loop Jasper CO. Missouri 32% Cherokee CO. Kansas Outside 4-County Area Newton CO. Missouri 13% 29% 23% Ottawa CO. Oklahoma 3%

15 Where Vehicles In Joplin Are Normally Garaged Outside Study Loop 85.3% Inside Study Loop 14.7% 144,425 Trips 19,719 Trips Total Trips * Avg Vehicle Occupancy = Daytime Population ( 164,144 ) * ( 1.43 ) = 234,726

16 Missouri Population Trends A. State Population Change B.Southwest Missouri vs. Rest of State

17 Source: USDC Bureau of the Census, MO Office of Administration Declined No Change Gained Up to 8% Gained 8% or More Missouri = 6.3% Miles 50 0 Percent Change in Population 1990 to 1998

18 Total Retail Sales Joplin Metro Area

19 Total Retail Sales City of Joplin $599,698,400 $861,042,500 $1,300,000,000





24 Joplin Economic Development Partnership Results 95-99 Projects – 22 Investments - $155,450,000+ New Jobs – 2,228+ Includes National Companies: Pillsbury American National Can Company Owens Corning LM Berry Company Eagle Picher Technologies Aegis Communication

25 Route 171 Route 249 Hwy FF Rte. 96 Industrial Parks Existing Proposed


27 Truck Tonnage By Corridor

28 Joplin Traffic Study 1987 vs. 1999  Local Trips  1987 1999  Total Trips  Through Trips 73,131 115,550 88,278 134,444 15,147 18,594 51% 58% 23%

29 Existing Conditions: Freight


31 Proposed Airfield Configuration / Instrumentation Highlights: Provide clear 1,000’ safety areas on each end of Runway 13/31 Focus on Runway 18/36 as future primary – lengthen and widen Install instrument approach to Runway 36

32 Corporate / General Aviation – Conceptual Development Area Future ARFF Facility Corporate/GA Access Roadway and Parking Corporate Hangar Development T- Hangar Development Corporate Hangar Development T- Hangar Development Relocated Fuel Farm Industrial Park Development Expanded Airport Maintenance Facility

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