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 Back-t0-School Night 2015-16  Ms. Garza, 5 th Grade   Please.

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Presentation on theme: " Back-t0-School Night 2015-16  Ms. Garza, 5 th Grade   Please."— Presentation transcript:

1  Back-t0-School Night 2015-16  Ms. Garza, 5 th Grade   Please sign in and find your child’s seat. Read the note they have written for you. Write back to them on the index card. Welcome Parents!

2 Welcome to Ms. Garza’s and Mrs. Wahbe’s Classroom Back to School Night 2014-15

3 21 st Century Teaching/Learning  4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity  Life and Career Skills  Information, Media, and Technology Skills  Core Subjects taught through new Common Core standards  Videos: “Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards” “Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards” I choose C

4 To better prepare our students we  Analyze and interpret information, looking for connections  Generate alternative solutions and defend them  Demonstrate understanding through project based, hands-on learning  Create complex products that require persistence, organization, innovation and choice  Practice effective communication through classroom discussions that analyze and persuade  Write frequently  Make oral presentations  Utilize technology in all we do!

5 BIG 5 th Grade Topics  Math: Fractions and decimals are HUGE!  Reading: Fiction and Nonfiction with an emphasis on the latter to better prepare them for middle school and beyond Core Literature Studies will include: Blood on the River, Hatchet, and a variety of historical fiction novels Current events and informational text related to content  Writing: Narrative, Informational, Opinion  Social Studies: U.S. History!  Science: Chemistry, Human Body, Space, Biology, Water/Weather

6 Garza/Wahbe Team Teaching  Mrs. Wahbe teaches math, reading, social studies, and writing  Ms. Garza teaches math, reading, social studies, and science  Our classroom is a combined program. We use flexible grouping between the two classes to allow for maximum student choice and to provide instruction at varied levels. We share a common philosophy and specialize in subjects to provide more depth in the content areas.

7 Procedures  Our classroom management focuses on POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT!  We utilize the school wide ticket system in both classes  Students can earn tickets in two ways – academics and positive behaviors  Students are rewarded throughout the year with our classroom store, Success Parties, and auctions (2 per year)  We emphasize the Arroyo Vista HIGH 5s and reinforce these values through “tribes” and daily classroom instruction and interaction

8 Our Classroom Assessment  Includes student-led conferences  Involves parents and students working together to set and evaluate goals  Doesn‘t penalize students for where they begin  Requires the collection of work samples for reflection  Encourages students to learn from their mistakes  Celebrates growth and progress toward goals SPUSD Grade Scale 4 – 90-100% Thorough Understanding 3 – 80-89% Proficient Understanding 2 – 70-79% Approaching Understanding 1 – 0-69% Minimal Understanding

9 How You can Help!  Create a monthly calendar for long-term projects or look ahead in planner  Complete weekly checks on binder, backpack, and desk organization  Check class website and google classroom for updates, reminders, and assignment calendar (weekly at least!)websiteclassroom  Remind your child of appropriate technology use and keep their password sheet handy  Set up a quiet study area at home  Make reading a habit and keep reading log up to date  Spend time asking about their day and making connections to what they are studying in school!  Help your child develop confidence by praising them for successes

10 Homework Tips  Check to see that your child has the necessary books to complete homework before leaving school  Practice the “academic hour” for daily homework  Sign planner daily  Check all assignments for completion and spot check for accuracy (compare final product to written directions and rubrics)  Follow assigned progress dates for long term projects  Review material and help your child study for tests  When absent or unsure of assignments check the class website, Google Classroom, or call a classmate  Help your child edit all writing  Assist in assembling final projects

11 Exciting 5 th Grade Activities  State Float Parade (December)  STEM Expo (February)  Outdoor Science School (March 28 th – April 1 st )  Promotion (June 7 th )

12 Other Types of Parent Support  Volunteer in our classroom or for Arroyo Vista  Weekly Wire and Copies  Library  Art  Career Share  Celebrations (cupcake donations)  Wish Night donations, pretty please. Thank you! Ms. Garza

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