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THE EASTERN WOODLAND TRIBES. The region of the Eastern Woodland tribes stretched East of the Mississippi River.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EASTERN WOODLAND TRIBES. The region of the Eastern Woodland tribes stretched East of the Mississippi River."— Presentation transcript:


2 The region of the Eastern Woodland tribes stretched East of the Mississippi River.



5 What natural resources helped the Woodland people survive?

6 TREES were used for…………….

7 These tribes built villages along the banks of the many rivers & streams that ran through the forest. SHELTER

8 Longhouse Wigwam

9 Canoes

10 Fishing Tools

11 Weapons

12 Tools

13 Cooking Utensils

14 Animals were another resource used by the Eastern Woodland Tribes








22 JOBS Farmers & Gathers

23 Hunters

24 Fishermen

25 DIVISION of LABOR Men hunted, fished, cleared the land, and made weapons and tools.


27 Women made clothes, cooked, took care of the crops and took care of the children.

28 THE EASTERN WOODLAND PEOPLE ARE MADE UP OF: The Iroquois Tribe The Algonquian Tribe

29 The Iroquois

30 The IROQUOIS lived near the Great Lakes

31 THE FIVE NATIONS  Mohawk  Oneida  Onondaga  Cayuga  Seneca

32 Birch bark canoes were used for traveling.

33 VILLAGE LIFE Built homes on top of steep hills. Built palisades around the village. Lived in longhouses.



36 Grew 3 main crops – corn, beans,and squash. THE THREE SISTERS FARMING


38 The Iroquois would play a very violent game similar to today’s lacrosse.

39 GOVERNMENT: In A.D. 1570 a group was formed through the work of Hiawatha and Deganawida to settle disputes among the people. It was called…….. THE IROQUOIS LEAGUE.

40 The Algonquians

41 The ALGONQUIAN people lived along the Coastal Plain. Some lived along the shores of the Great Lakes. These tribes are related because they spoke the same language.


43 ALGONQUIAN PEOPLE  Delaware  Wampanoag  Powhatan  Ottawa  Chippewa  Miami

44 Algonquians had basically the same lifestyle as the Iroquois. They found the same natural resources in their lands, and used them in much the same way

45 VILLAGE LIFE Tribes had between 1 to 20 villages. Some built longhouses. Others built wigwams.

46 Wigwams were built from trees.

47 Dug out canoes were built from logs.

48 LIFE STYLES Those living near the shore fished, built canoes, and made hooks and fishing traps. Those people more inland farmed and gathered. Both hunted.

49 Nets were made from fibers from bushes, trees, or reeds.

50 Clothing was made from deer skin.



53 Wampum were beads cut from sea shells. The beads were strung together in patterns to celebrate important events. Wampum was used as a form of money. Inland tribes received wampum through trade.



56 GOVERNMENT Many groups had leaders who governed more than 1 village. Some groups had 2 chiefs – one for peace and one for war.

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