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Meet the Teachers Mrs. Brandy Sloan Mr. Joe Berry Ms. Lauren Ellmers Mrs. Dena Miles, Instructional Aide.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teachers Mrs. Brandy Sloan Mr. Joe Berry Ms. Lauren Ellmers Mrs. Dena Miles, Instructional Aide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teachers Mrs. Brandy Sloan Mr. Joe Berry Ms. Lauren Ellmers Mrs. Dena Miles, Instructional Aide

2 About Mrs. Sloan… 5 th year at Chandler Elementary Assistant first 3 years, Taught K last year Earned my degree from OCU Taught 4 th Grade in Louisville & Vincennes Married 16 years 2 Daughters, Taryn, 15 & Taylor, 10

3 About Mr. Berry… Grew up in Newburgh and graduated from Castle High School Earned degree from the University of Southern Indiana in Elementary Education with minors in Social Studies and Math 4th year teaching 5 th grade at Chandler Assistant Baseball Coach at Castle, Head Coach for Indiana Bulls 17u, and 8 th grade boys basketball coach at CNMS Love sports and the outdoors.

4 About Ms. Ellmers 4 th year as a Special Education teacher at Chandler Earned degree from USI in Elementary Education with a minor in middle school Social Studies Earned my Special Education degree from IWU. Co-Sponsor Chandler Pep Squad & Student Council I have two sons that keep me on the go!

5 Communication… Vital to your child’s success in 5 th grade Please check & sign/initial the agenda book every night E-mail, call, write notes in agenda 925-6021 (school office)

6 Classroom Websites Classroom information, homework help, homework assignments, and newsletters will be listed here.

7 Homework… There will be daily homework. Neat and turned in on time Excessive homework = not using class time wisely (talk to us!) Extra set of textbooks at Chandler Library (no excuses!)

8 Classroom Management… Class Expectations ◦Respect yourself, respect others, and respect this place. ◦Be responsible for yourself and this place. ◦Treat others better than you like to be treated. Class Rules ◦Raise your hand before talking. ◦Bring supplies to class each day. ◦Keep hands and feet to yourself.

9 Classroom Management… This year we will be using a web-based program called Class Dojo to help track students’ behavior. It is an excellent communication tool to help keep parents updated about their child’s behavior. In Class Dojo, students can earn points for positive behaviors such as being on task, following directions, helping others, etc. Students can also lose points for negative behaviors such as being off task, not following directions, etc. Students love being able to track their points.

10 100 PointsFriday Free Time (20 minutes) 75 PointsHomework Pass (one assignment) 50 PointsLunch with Teacher 45 PointsComputer/I-Pad Time (15 minutes) 40 PointsLunch with a friend in Classroom 35 PointsSit at Teacher’s Desk for a day 30 PointsSwitch Seats with a Classmate 25 PointsWear a hat in class for a day 20 PointsPrize Line 15 PointsStudy Buddy (one-time) 10 PointsChange your Avatar 5 PointsPencil

11 Negative Behaviors- Lose Points Talking Off Task Late to Class Disrespect Classroom Behavior Restroom/ Cafeteria Behavior Disobedience Out of Seat Homework not completed *all at Teacher Discretion

12 Miscellaneous… Newsletter P.E. grade based on dressing appropriately & participating (personal best!) Midterms – 4 th /5 th week of each grading period Spelling, Vocab & Reading test every Friday Math tests weekly. DARE this fall Field Trips ◦Mesker Park Zoo ◦Lincoln Boyhood Park ◦College Field Trip ◦Philharmonic Orchestra, Vincennes Title will be taught by Mrs. May Important papers from the office will be on yellow paper R&R at the end of each 9 weeks to reward great classroom behavior

13 Questions? Homerooms for paper work and supplies.

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