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Published byRhoda Rich Modified over 9 years ago
1 Roadmap to Achieve 31.12.2011 RBM Targets Zimbabwe January 2011 – December 2011
2 Country Summary (Interventions & Services) Population at Risk: ? Intervention Operational objectives/target s for 2011 Need to end 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) LLINs (Universal Access) To distribute Nets for universal coverage by 2011 2.4m nets to be distributed by 2011. Universal coverage calculated based one net per 1.8 people (Average of 5 persons per household) Mass Campaign: 600 000 nets required to be to meet universal targets (funding to yet secured) Mass Campaign: 1.8 million nets have been distributed in 2010 Mass Campaign: Nil Mass Campaign: Number of nets for which financing has to be mobilized to achieve the operational target within 2011=600 000 USD 6.0 m Routine distribution: 400 000 required for maintenance and keep up Routine distribution: Not yet carried out Routine distribution: Nil Routine distribution: Number of nets for which financing has to be mobilized to achieve the operational target within 2011=400 000 USD4.0m Total nets needed in 2011 = 1.0 m Total nets already distributed = 1, 800,000 Total nets where financing is already pledged = 2011 - nil Total gap (number) = 1 000 000 Total gap USD 10.0m
3 Country Summary (Interventions & Services) Intervention Operational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011 Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) ACTsTo expand coverage of malaria treatment with ACTs to 85% of the whole population ( * define universal coverage target e.g. whole population, population treated through the public health services and private sector etc )) Total number of doses to be made available during the year is 1,500, 000 Public sector 1.500 000Number of doses for which financing is already pledged or committed 1,500,000 doses fully funded doses additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target - Nil Nil
4 Country Summary (Interventions &Services) (Cont'd ) InterventionOperational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011 Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) IRSDefine target coverage by country= Total number of sprayable rooms in the targeted area. To sustain coverage of 90% of the population through spraying of 640000 Households To conduct geo coding for IRS The total number of rooms to be sprayed protecting 90% of the population The cost per household sprayed.=$10 Cost of geo coding = 80 000 per province * 8 The number of rooms which can sprayed using existing resources 3,200,000 rooms Covered 3 provinces Total number of rooms for which financing is already pledged or committed = 1,983784 Nil Number of rooms for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target =1,216,216 (304 050 house holds) 5 provinces USD 3, 440 m RDTs and microscopy To expand coverage of parasitological diagnosis to 85% of whole population *define coverage target e.g. whole population, population treated through the public health services and private sector etc 4,500, 000 RDTs Total number of RDTs to be made available during the year 4,500,000 Number of RDTs already pledged or committed Nil Number of microscopes to be made available during the year 0 microscopes Microscop es already in stock 500 microsco pes Number of microscopes for which financing is already pledged or committed NONE for 2011 No. of microscopy tests for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target Nil
5 Country Summary (Interventions &Services) (Cont'd ) InterventionOperational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) IPTp To expand coverage to 80% of all pregnant women (if Universal coverage still not feasible within 2011) Total number of doses to be made available during the year to cover 80% of pregnant women 11,800,000 Doses already in stock 9,975,000 Number of doses for which financing is already pledged or committed 1,825,000 doses (USAID) Number of doses for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target Nil
6 Country Summary (Cross cutting issues) Interventi on Operational targets/Objectives for 2011 Strategies/ActionsResource requireme nt (USD) Available budget (USD) Budget Gap (USD) M&E 80% of selected health facilities submitting timely and complete reports To strengthen the existing Joint M&E Framework and build capacity of the management structures to support the increased scope due to scale up in order to ensure improved results based monitoring. Strengthen routine data generation and flow from public/private facilities and communities to NHIS Strengthen capacity for M&E at all levels Scale up support and networking for data generation and reporting from the community to health facility, district, provincial and national levels. Strengthen data generation and sharing from periodic surveys including nets utilization and BCC uptake) 713 000 513 000 200 000 Human Resources (Capacity Building) To strengthen capacity of health workers in different malaria thematic areas Improve technical skills and knowledge amongst the health workers 500 000150 000350 000
7 Country Summary (Cross cutting issues) Interventi on Operational targets/Objectives for 2011 Strategies/ActionsResource requirement (USD) Available budget (USD) Budget Gap (USD) BCC/IECTo reach 80% population (Gate keepers, Individuals, Families, Communities) with BCC messages to improve positive behaviour change for malaria control interventions through advocacy, communication and social mobilization Advocacy - Meetings at national, province and District -Commemorations -Press conferences (Advocacy packages) Social mobilization -Post LLIN hang up campaign -Cross border BCC meetings -Preseason campaigns (Promotional materials) BCC -Mass media- TV and Radio spots, Shot films - Outreaches community meetings, Road shows and drama - BCC/IEC materials (Posters, flyers, brochures, Bill Boards) $1 200 000$203 153$996 847
8 Assumptions for calculating the needs (Quantity and Funding) to achieve 2011 Targets Justify the assumptions used for calculating the targets LLIN –routine nets based on 90% of pregnant women accessing ANC (maintenance and keep up) –One net per 1.8 people IRS –It is assumed that one house hold has an average of 4 rooms and these will be covered by one chemical sachet. RDT/Microscopy –Parasitological diagnosis targets all suspected cases for all age groups with 20% microscopy and 80% RDTs (Community case management included) IPTp –3 doses of SP was calculated for 80% coverage for estimated numbers of pregnant women derived as 5% of projected population for 2011. –A cost of a dose of SP was set at $0.53. –3 doses of IPTp were considered due to HIV prevalence of 10% BCC –Universal coverage for BCC targets 90% of population in the malarias areas using interpersonal communication, IEC and promotional materials –The target for BCC material distributions (brochures, pamphlets) targets house hold and health facilities and posters target schools, health facilities and shops
9 Implementation Plan - LLINs Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME 2011 JFMAMJJASOND Continued advocacy in provinces/districts for mass LLIN Campaign xx Distribution of LLIN during mass LLIN Campaignxx Post LLIN Campaign -Hang up campaignxxxx Procurement of LLIN for routine distribution (not yet available) Distribution of LLIN for keep up phase during routine immunization, ANC (not yet available) LLIN retention and use surveyxxx
10 LLIN resources available to achieve the 2011 targets (including timing of disbursements) Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND No resources available (for 2011) Available funds in 2012 –GF R10
11 Implementation Plan - IRS Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Baseline entomological surveyxxx Identify and conduct TOT for IRS supervisorsx Recruitment and training of IRS Spray teamsxx Mobilize communities for house sprayingxxxxx Quantification and procurement of InsecticidesXxxx Spraying in targeted wardsxxxx Post spray entomologic monitoring ( Bio assay tests, residual monitoring)XXXx Evaluation survey ( Sentinel sites, KAP survey)xxx Monitoring of insecticide resistance xxx Geographical reconnaissance (Balance on geographical reconnaisance) xxxx Report writing and regular debriefing of IRS activitiesXXXx Conduct an evaluation of the IRS programx Conduct a planning and program review meetingxX
12 IRS resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds [USD] to spray [no] of structures Households 640 000 @ $10 per households= $6,400,000 Global Fund Government of Zimbabwe xx x x
13 Implementation Plan – Case Mgt Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Request for TA to develop MIP training manualx Mobilize resources to fill financial gap for ACT and RDT requirement.xXX Training of community health workers on case management xxxxxxx Monitoring of anti-malarials compliancexxx Training of health workers in secondary and tertiary facilities on management of severe malaria XXXX Development of training manuals on IPTXXX Supervision of CHWs on use of RDTs xxxxxx Monitor the procurement and supply chain system for ACTs and RDTsXXXX Continued support for drug efficacy monitoringxxx Supervision of community health workersxxx x
14 Case Management resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds to procure 1,500,000 ACT doses Global Fund xx Funds to procure 4,500, 000 RDTs Global fund xx
15 Implementation Plan – IPTp Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Monitor the Procurement and Supply Chain system for Sulphadoxine Pyrimethaminexxxx HW training in Case Management and MIPxxx TA on development of MIP/IPTp guidelinesxXX
16 IPTp resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds to procure [no] of IPTp doses for 608 333 -Pw Appr - USD 322 416.49 USAID Total number of doses required = 1 825 000 xxxx
17 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Community meetings to promote malaria prevention xxxxxxxx Commemoration of 2011 World Malaria Dayx Training of Journalists in Print and News Media on prevention and treatment of Malariaxxxxxx Provincial BCC planning meeting xxxx Production, distribution and airing of communication support(IEC materials)xxxxxxxxxxxx Advocacy, policy and mass media interventionsxxxxxxxxxxxx Corporate communication and NMCP website Operation researchxxxx Quarterly supervisory visit to the States xxxx Data generation and sharingxxx x
18 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Community meetings to promote malaria prevention Commemoration of 2011 World Malaria Dayx Commemoration of 2011 SADC Malaria DayX Training of Journalists of Print and Electronic Media on prevention and treatment of Malariaxx Provincial BCC planning meeting x Production, distribution and airing of communication support (IEC materials)xxxxxxxxxxxx Advocacy, policy and mass media interventionsxxxx Corporate communication and NMCP website Operation researchxxxx Quarterly supervisory visit to the Provinces xxxx Data generation and sharingxxx x
19 Cross-cutting resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Monitoring and Evaluation $1,431,975 Global Fund xxxxxxxxxxxX BCC/IEC$714,114Global Fundxxxxxxxxxxxx
20 Summary of technical assistance needs to end 2011 Area of Need Type of support required Resources available Source of funding TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Case Managem ent Case Management Audit50 000Global Fund xx BCCWard Health Team Assessment 25 750Global Fund xxx Case Managem ent Development of MIP/IPTp training manuals 12 000Global Fund xx Cross cutting Malaria Programme Review support 114 000SARN GoZ xxxxxx Total for TA As above201 750GFATM SARN GoZ Xxxxxx
21 Summary of rate-limiting factors/solutions over the next 12 months - threats Potential threats to achieving targets There is possibility of delay In the release of funds for implementation. There is possibility of delay in commodity procurement and supply Delay and under-reporting from the NHIS: Surveillance, M&E: Inadequate funding Staff attrition
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