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Welcome!. Everlasting From everlasting, to everlasting You are God (repeat)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!. Everlasting From everlasting, to everlasting You are God (repeat)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!

2 Everlasting From everlasting, to everlasting You are God (repeat)

3 In holiness You stand secure Through culture’s shifting sands Unchanged by all the vanities of man And as the nations rise and fall Your sovereignty remains You are, You are You are the One True God

4 In faithfulness your love extends Through times of turbulence Adopting those who call upon your name And every generation joins In songs of grateful praise You are, You are, You are the One True God

5 Eternal, Immortal, Invisible God (repeat) Brian Doerksen & Matt Unruh © 2004 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI #4316761

6 experiencing life …exploring truth… together

7 Coming Soon !!! Updated Church Directory Needed …  Current Information  Family Pictures For further info contact …Karen Perinbam

8 Women’s Retreat Final Payment due today... cheques to Beth

9 exploring Truth where we find it open mind. wed @ 7. lopez’ connection

10 Want more... ?

11 experiencing life …exploring truth… together

12 How Great is Our God The splendor of the King Clothed in majesty Let all the earth rejoice All the earth rejoice

13 He wraps himself in light And darkness tries to hide And trembles at His voice And trembles at His Voice

14 CHORUS: How great is our God, Sing with me How great is our God, All will see How great, how great is our God

15 Age to age He stands And time is in His hands Beginning and the End

16 The Godhead, three in One Father, Spirit, Son The Lion and the Lamb

17 CHORUS: How great is our God, Sing with me How great is our God, All will see How great, how great is our God

18 Name above all names Worthy of all praise My heart will sing How great is our God

19 CHORUS: How great is our God, Sing with me How great is our God, All will see How great, how great is our God Written by Chris Tomlin, Jessie Reeves, Ed Cash ©2004 Songs/Six Steps Music ARR/UBP/ICS. ccli#1953428

20 Cannot Say Enough What can we say to describe Just a glimpse of Your glory How can our words portray But a thread of Your majesty

21 But still we praise our Saviour Oh, in spirit and in truth For we cannot say Enough about You Hallelujah, Hallelujah Mercy Me. ARR/UBP/ICS.

22 Hear Us From Heaven Lord, hear our cry, Come heal our land Breathe life into these dry and thirsty souls

23 Lord, hear our prayer, Forgive our sin And as we call on Your name Would You make this a place for Your glory to dwell

24 CHORUS: Open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears Come to Your people as we draw near Hear us from heaven, touch our generation We are Your people, crying out in desperation

25 Lord hear our song, Your children worship As we sing out Your praise Would you make this a place for Your glory to dwell?

26 Hear Us From Heaven

27 CHORUS Open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears Come to Your people as we draw near Hear us from heaven, touch our generation We are Your people, crying out in desperation Jared Anderson. ©2004 Vertical Worship Songs. ARR/UBP/ICS.

28 All Who Are Thirsty All who are thirsty All who are weak Come to the fountain Dip your heart in the stream of life

29 Let the pain and the sorrow Be washed away In the waves of His mercy As deep cries out to deep

30 All who are thirsty All who are weak Come to the fountain Dip your heart in the stream of life

31 Let the pain and the sorrow Be washed away In the waves of His mercy As deep cries out to deep (we sing)

32 Come, Lord Jesus, come As deep cries out to deep

33 All who are thirsty All who are weak Come to the fountain Dip your heart in the stream of life

34 Let the pain and the sorrow Be washed away In the waves of His mercy As deep cries out to deep (we sing)

35 Holy Spirit, come As deep cries out to deep Brenton Brown & Glenn Robertson. ©1998 Vineyard Songs (UK). ARR/UBP/ICS. ccli#19543428.

36 experiencing life …exploring truth… together

37 Hope of the Nations Jesus, hope of the nations Jesus, comfort for all who mourn You are the source Of heaven’s hope on earth

38 Jesus, light in the darkness Jesus, truth in each circumstance You are the source Of heaven’s light on earth In history You lived and died You broke the chains, You rose to life

39 CHORUS: You are the hope living in us You are the rock in whom we trust You are the light Shining for all the world to see

40 You rose from the dead conquering fear Our Prince of Peace drawing us near Jesus our hope Living for all the world to see Lord we believe, Lord we believe Lord we believe

41 Jesus, hope of the nations Jesus, comfort for all who mourn You are the source Of heaven’s hope on earth

42 Jesus, light in the darkness Jesus, truth in each circumstance You are the source Of heaven’s light on earth In history You lived and died You broke the chains, You rose to life

43 CHORUS: You are the hope living in us You are the rock in whom we trust You are the light Shining for all the world to see

44 You rose from the dead conquering fear Our Prince of Peace drawing us near Jesus our hope Living for all the world to see Lord we believe, Lord we believe Lord we believe

45 In history You lived and died You broke the chains You rose to life

46 CHORUS: You are the hope living in us You are the rock in whom we trust You are the light Shining for all the world to see

47 You rose from the dead conquering fear Our Prince of Peace drawing us near Jesus our hope Living for all the world to see Lord we believe, Lord we believe Lord we believe Brian Doerksen. ©2002 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music. ARR/UBP/ICS. ccli# 1953428

48 We're glad you came

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