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Sample Presentation Deck Presented by: John/Jane Doe Superb Community College Month Day, Year.

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1 Sample Presentation Deck Presented by: John/Jane Doe Superb Community College Month Day, Year

2 2 About Accelerating Opportunity A national effort to ensure that more workers have the skills they need for today’s good jobs through innovative adult education that provides a valuable credential.

3 Our Scope We’re working to reform adult education in eleven states across the country, including STATE.

4 Our Vision We believe that postsecondary credentials and education beyond high school are the gateway to family- supporting wages and critical to breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty.

5 5 Adult Basic Education at a Glance Adult Education must become a national priority. Across the country: Over 26 million adults lack a high school degree 1.3 million young people drop out of high school each year in the US. Only a fraction of the 93 million adults with low basic skills enrolls in Adult Basic Education programs. Few of the adults who do enroll in ABE ever enter credit-bearing postsecondary programs, and even fewer go on to earn a credential.

6 How Accelerating Opportunity Works in STATE We’re working to implement Accelerating Opportunity by: Identifying and removing barriers that prevent students from entering and completing their education. Making it possible for adults to earn cumulative certificates and credentials that bear academic credit. Working with the business community to design relevant real-world curricula. Working with state policymakers and leaders to develop funding that will ensure that adults have the education they need in the years to come.

7 7 Our National Partners Accelerating Opportunity is managed by Jobs for the Future Other national partners: The Washington State Board of Community & Technical Colleges The National Council for Workforce Education The National College Transition Network

8 National Funders Accelerating Opportunity is supported by: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Joyce Foundation The W.K. Kellogg Foundation The Kresge Foundation The Open Society Foundations

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