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Implementation of CCSS CCCOE Curriculum Council November 2011.

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1 Implementation of CCSS CCCOE Curriculum Council November 2011

2 Three Recently Published Documents 1. CCSS: Progress and Challenges in School Districts’ Implementation 2. Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA 3. Supporting Implementation of CCSM: Recommendations for Professional Development

3 CCSS: Progress and Challenges in School Districts’ Implementation Center on Education Policy Study September 2011

4 This Report  describes districts’ perception about the impact of the CCSS their progress in implementing the challenges they face  is based on a survey of nationally representa- tive school districts and was conducted in the winter and spring of 2011.

5 6 Key Findings 1. Almost 60% of the districts viewed CCSS as more rigorous than the ones they are replacing, and expected the CCSS to improve student learning. 2. 67% have begun to develop a comprehensive plan and timeline for implementing the standards (or intend to do so in the 2011-12 school year.) AND 61% of the districts are developing and/or purchasing curriculum materials. 3. Adequate funding is a major challenge

6 6 Key findings (cont.) 4. About 67% cited inadequate or unclear state guidance on the CCSS as a major challenge 5. Districts appear to be facing relatively little resistance to implementing the CCSS from parents, community, members or educators 6. District or school level staff, participated in various state, regional, or district activities in school year 2010-11 to become informed about the CCSS.

7 CCSS More Rigorous than Previous State Standards?

8 CCSS Will Improve Skills Among Students?

9 Need for New or Substantially Revised Curriculum?

10 Need for Fundamental Changes to Instruction?

11 District Initiated Activities Percent of Districts Starting to Implement Activity ActivityMathELA Develop or Purchase curriculum materials aligned with CCSS 55%53% Develop local assessments 48%45% Professional Development 47%45% Assign Resource Teachers to Assist staffs 29% Comprehensive plan and timeline 66% Teacher evaluation system 30% Educator induction programs 27% * If difference between estimates is 15% or greater there is significant difference

12 Challenges Districts Face ChallengeMajorMinor Not Inadequate funds 76%21%4% Inadequate guidance related to creating local assessments 48%41%11% Inadequate curriculum materials 47%42%12% Resistance from teachers and principals 10%58%32% Resistance from parents and community 5%35%60%

13 Local Staff Participation in Information Activities about CCSS State or Regional Activities Introduction to CCSS88% Plan Implementation63% Understand implications for Instruction 62% District Sponsored Activities Introduction to CCSS72% Plan Implementation61% Understand implications for Instruction 54%

14 Conclusions  majority expectation is that CCSS is more rigorous  Many districts have begun to make changes  Having inadequate funds is a major challenge for over 80% of schools  approximately half of the schools find a lack of guidance on local assessments and lack of curriculum materials to be a major challenge

15 Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA CCSSO – Achieve - NASBE 8/25/11

16 Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA Grades K-2 & 3-12  Paid for by a contract from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation  Informally vetted by publishers, researchers, state officials, teachers and others  The documents are being circulated more widely now. And are eventually headed for posting online to guide not only publishers, but also anyone developing curriculum for the standards

17 K-2 Criteria Center on Aspects of Significant Shift  Focus on reading informational text  Building coherent knowledge within and across grades  More in-depth approach to vocabulary development  Students encounter sufficiently complex texts through reading, writing, listening and speaking

18 Grades K-2 Document Organization  Key Criteria for Reading Foundations  Key Criteria for Text Selection  Key Criteria for Questions and Tasks

19 3-12 Criteria Center on Aspects of Significant Shift  an intense focus on close examination of text as the source for study across disciplines  Students are expected to learn increasingly complex readings (literary & informational), infer meaning from what they read and build agreements based in evidence from the text.  80-90% of reading standards in each grade require text-dependent analysis so curriculum should mirror this.  Materials should be sparing written or spoken activities based on students’ background knowledge and the experience they bring with them to school. These are not sufficient.

20 Grades 3-12 Document Organization  Text selection: complexity & range and quality of texts  Questions and tasks  Academic vocabulary  Writing to sources and research  Additional key criteria for student reading, writing, listening and speaking

21 Supporting Implementation of CCSM Recommendations for Prof. Dev. NSF Funded Research November 2011

22 Overview of Recommendations for CCSM-PD 1. Emphasize the Substance of CCSM-PD 2. Create and Adapt Materials for Use 3. Design PD based on Features that Support Teacher Learning 4. Build Coherent Programs of CCSM-PD 5. Prepare and Use Knowledgeable Facilitators

23 6. Provide CCSM-PD Tailored to Key Role Groups, in addition to teachers 7. Educate Stakeholders about CCSSM 8. Continuously Assess CCSSM-PD 9. Create CCSSM Consortia Overview of Recommendations for CCSM-PD (cont.)

24 Three Recently Published Documents 1. CCSS: Progress and Challenges in School Districts’ Implementation 2. Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA 3. Supporting Implementation of CCSM: Recommendations for Professional Development

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