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Stocktaking Exercise UNFCCC Workshop, Manila Ravi Sharma United Nations Environment Programme – Global Environment Facility.

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Presentation on theme: "Stocktaking Exercise UNFCCC Workshop, Manila Ravi Sharma United Nations Environment Programme – Global Environment Facility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stocktaking Exercise UNFCCC Workshop, Manila Ravi Sharma United Nations Environment Programme – Global Environment Facility

2 Main Lessons Learnt - based on Desk Studies & External Evaluations Focus on pre-proposal activity Focus on pre-proposal activity Consultation with stakeholders prior to proposal finalisation and submission Consultation with stakeholders prior to proposal finalisation and submission Establish institutional linkage Establish institutional linkage Identify repository for database Identify repository for database Strengthen financial monitoring Strengthen financial monitoring Revise UNEP format on progress reports and expenditure reports to suit nationally executed projects Revise UNEP format on progress reports and expenditure reports to suit nationally executed projects

3 Non-Annex I Parties Eligible for Support l Submitted INC but has not been funded by GEF for SNC; or l Submitted its SNC and wishes to prepare its third National Communication; or l Joined recently and preparing INC l Use of revised COP guidelines

4 What are the substantive questions important to NA1 Why does climate change matter to developing countries Why does climate change matter to developing countries Productivity of farms, forests and fisheries Productivity of farms, forests and fisheries Disease Disease Damage from storms, floods, wildfires Damage from storms, floods, wildfires What is the local evidence that climate is changing What is the local evidence that climate is changing Observations of evaporation, rainfall, impacts on ecosystem, sea level, glaciers, frequency of storms Observations of evaporation, rainfall, impacts on ecosystem, sea level, glaciers, frequency of storms

5 Stakeholder consultation/stocktaking exercise to prepare project brief Stakeholder consultation/stocktaking exercise to prepare project brief $15,000 (additional costs to come from SNC budget) $15,000 (additional costs to come from SNC budget) Stocktaking of all projects and lessons learned Stocktaking of all projects and lessons learned Include UNFCCC NFP in process Include UNFCCC NFP in process fulfills UNFCCC reporting requirement fulfills UNFCCC reporting requirement Separate to approval process (e.g. fund through top-up or INC project) Separate to approval process (e.g. fund through top-up or INC project) Operational Guidelines for SNCs

6 Discounting Discounting Non-duplication of activities Non-duplication of activities more detailed assessment of proposed activities needed more detailed assessment of proposed activities needed NAPA issue NAPA issue SNC looks at longer-term planning SNC looks at longer-term planning tech transfer, systematic observation, public awareness and cap. building are reporting only tech transfer, systematic observation, public awareness and cap. building are reporting only Operational Guidelines for SNCs

7 Good Practices in Project Preparation l Country Drivenness l Efficiency in the use of Resources and Building Upon Previous Work l Appropriate Sequencing l Use of l Local and Regional Expertise l Existing, Established and Recommended Methodologies, Support Programs and Technical Training Resources

8 Indicative Budget ActivityTotal ($ ‘ 000s) National Circumstances ~10 National GHG Inventories ~100 General Description of Steps ~150 Other Relevant Information ~20 Constraints, Gaps, Needs ~10 Technical Assistance ~10 Compilation, Production, Translation<=15 Project Management <=75 Monitoring and Reporting <=15 Total <=405

9 Self-Assessment and Consultations, UNEP Procedures for Self-Assessments : Self-Assessment and Consultations, UNEP Procedures for Self-Assessments : General guidelines have been prepared and sent to all national focal points in February General guidelines have been prepared and sent to all national focal points in February Countries should submit a brief outline on the expected activities for the stocktaking and stakeholder consultations and forward to UNEP to initiate the project. Countries should submit a brief outline on the expected activities for the stocktaking and stakeholder consultations and forward to UNEP to initiate the project. The concept note should include: objectives of the stocktaking and stakeholder consultations exercise, expected activities, management of the project, participants and timeline for the consultations. The concept note should include: objectives of the stocktaking and stakeholder consultations exercise, expected activities, management of the project, participants and timeline for the consultations.

10 Self-Assessments and Project Preparation for NCs Objectives: to broaden ownership among various organizations and establish clarity on their individual roles; to broaden ownership among various organizations and establish clarity on their individual roles; to conduct a detailed analysis of gaps and weaknesses in the INC and other climate projects in the country; to conduct a detailed analysis of gaps and weaknesses in the INC and other climate projects in the country; to identify areas where reliable data and information is essential in order to increase the confidence in the greenhouse gas inventories, mitigation and/or vulnerability assessments and identification of adaptation options; and, to identify areas where reliable data and information is essential in order to increase the confidence in the greenhouse gas inventories, mitigation and/or vulnerability assessments and identification of adaptation options; and, to assist in and serve as input into the preparation of NC project documents, including a work-plan and allocation or responsibilities to assist in and serve as input into the preparation of NC project documents, including a work-plan and allocation or responsibilities

11 Self-Assessments and Project Preparation for NCs The exercise should be designed with a view to gathering information relevant to the components of the UNFCCC guidelines for national communications The exercise should be designed with a view to gathering information relevant to the components of the UNFCCC guidelines for national communications Exercise may require a facilitator and resource persons. Example terms of reference have been included in UNEP guidelines Exercise may require a facilitator and resource persons. Example terms of reference have been included in UNEP guidelines

12 Self-Assessments and Project Preparation for NCs Expected Outputs Lead ministry/organization for the preparation of the NC Lead ministry/organization for the preparation of the NC Institutional arrangements and responsibility for information and data, technical support, policy analysis and development. Institutional arrangements and responsibility for information and data, technical support, policy analysis and development. Types and number of stakeholders in the climate change process Types and number of stakeholders in the climate change process Detailed three year workplan and timeline for the preparation of the national communication process and document completion. Detailed three year workplan and timeline for the preparation of the national communication process and document completion. Assessment of strengths, gaps and technical support needs for the preparation and completion of National Communication. Assessment of strengths, gaps and technical support needs for the preparation and completion of National Communication. Roster of experts Roster of experts List of relevant documents and sources of information List of relevant documents and sources of information

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