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Effective Grant Writing For YTP 2009-2011 Michael Johnson, U of O Clayton Rees OVRS Michael Johnson, U of O Clayton Rees OVRS.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Grant Writing For YTP 2009-2011 Michael Johnson, U of O Clayton Rees OVRS Michael Johnson, U of O Clayton Rees OVRS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Grant Writing For YTP 2009-2011 Michael Johnson, U of O Clayton Rees OVRS Michael Johnson, U of O Clayton Rees OVRS

2 Important Clues READ READ READ READ the details Follow directions READ READ READ READ the details Follow Directions Have your staff or administrator read the draft. Involve other administrative staff READ READ READ READ the details Follow directions READ READ READ READ the details Follow Directions Have your staff or administrator read the draft. Involve other administrative staff

3 Who is Qualified to Apply for a Request for Grant Proposal? Is an Oregon public school district or education service district, or a consortium duly authorized by two or more such districts to submit a proposal on behalf of the authorizing districts. See ORS 330.003(2) Agree to share the cost of the proposed Youth Transition Program by providing matching funds in the amount of one third (1/3) of the total cost proposed by the school district.. Is an Oregon public school district or education service district, or a consortium duly authorized by two or more such districts to submit a proposal on behalf of the authorizing districts. See ORS 330.003(2) Agree to share the cost of the proposed Youth Transition Program by providing matching funds in the amount of one third (1/3) of the total cost proposed by the school district..

4 Must demonstrate that Proposer meets the standards to be deemed a “Responsible Proposer” as defined in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 125-247-0640(1)(F)(i) through (v). Access to this rule can be achieved at the following website: S_100/OAR_125/125_247.html

5 Who is Qualified to Apply for a Grant? Matching Funds. In order for OVRS to draw available federal funds for the Youth Transition Program, OVRS must receive cash matching funds from participating school districts. District matching funds must: Be from a non-federal source, and cannot be used as match for any other federal funds; Must be cash. “In-kind” district resources may not be applied towards the required match. Must equal one third (1/3) of the total grant budget. Matching Funds. In order for OVRS to draw available federal funds for the Youth Transition Program, OVRS must receive cash matching funds from participating school districts. District matching funds must: Be from a non-federal source, and cannot be used as match for any other federal funds; Must be cash. “In-kind” district resources may not be applied towards the required match. Must equal one third (1/3) of the total grant budget.

6 EXAMPLE: Total Proposed Cost of District’s 2009- 11 YTP:$210,000 District Matching Funds @ 1/3 of Total: $70,000 DHS/OVRS Contribution to Total Grant: $140,000 EXAMPLE: Total Proposed Cost of District’s 2009- 11 YTP:$210,000 District Matching Funds @ 1/3 of Total: $70,000 DHS/OVRS Contribution to Total Grant: $140,000

7 Responsible fiscal management of the grant funds is essential. OVRS expects both fiscal and program staff to participate in the development of the district’s Proposal for YTP grant funds. Consideration for continued funding may be based on demonstrated support and involvement of both fiscal and program staff in the planning, implementation, and administration of the grant.

8 Students participating in YTP generally: (a) are enrolled in a school district’s high school or alternative program, although eligible youth who have left school prior to graduation may be included; (b) are, or have been, entitled to services under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), or are receiving disability-related accommodations under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act; and (c) have applied for state-funded (OVRS) vocational rehabilitation services.


10 Pass/Fail Items The items listed below will be scored on a pass/fail basis. Proposal Cover Sheet Included Proposer meets Minimum Requirements in Section 2 of this RFGP: Budget Included, including budget narrative. Budget includes matching funds in the amount of one third (1/3) of the total cost proposed by the school district. The items listed below will be scored on a pass/fail basis. Proposal Cover Sheet Included Proposer meets Minimum Requirements in Section 2 of this RFGP: Budget Included, including budget narrative. Budget includes matching funds in the amount of one third (1/3) of the total cost proposed by the school district.

11 Pass/Fail Items Is an Oregon public school district or education service district as defined by statute. Proposer meets the "responsible Proposer" requirements. Technical Proposal Format and Length Assurances Signed and Included (Attachment D) Is an Oregon public school district or education service district as defined by statute. Proposer meets the "responsible Proposer" requirements. Technical Proposal Format and Length Assurances Signed and Included (Attachment D)

12 Section 5 Proposal Requirements (scored) Proposed Program (40%) Administrative Support (10%) Collaboration with Community Partners (10%) Performance (40%) (Includes history of meeting performance benchmarks and responsible fiscal management.) Proposed Program (40%) Administrative Support (10%) Collaboration with Community Partners (10%) Performance (40%) (Includes history of meeting performance benchmarks and responsible fiscal management.)

13 Proposed Program (40%) Essential Writing Tips

14 Starting Date

15 SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES Referral Process Vocational Goal

16 Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) Follow-up Services

17 Connection to STW/CRLS Monitor Performance

18 Summer Program

19 Diverse and Underserved Populations

20 Administrative Support (10%) (Section 3.4.3) District shall undertake the following actions and provide the following services: 1. Establish qualifications and classification for the Transition Specialist and create a year- round position, using the typical duties outlined in section 3.4.4. below. 2. Identify a direct contact within the school District to assist in managing the YTP and supervising the Transition Specialist. 3. When hiring new Transition Specialists, make every reasonable effort to include an OVRS representative in the interview process, recognizing the spirit of this partnership effort to provide a new pattern of services. 4. Ensure coordination of activities between the IEP and the IPE. 5. Ensure that the Transition Specialist has the support of the building principal and Director of Special Education to ensure that each YTP student’s transition goals are achieved and that the performance measurements of the District can be met. 6. Participate in the OVRS data collection system. 7. Allow the Transition Specialist to attend training jointly sponsored by ODE, OVRS, and the University of Oregon. 8. Provide required matching funds by the dates specified in the grant agreement. 9. Include administrative staff, e.g., business manager, in the development of the RFGP and administration of the grant.;

21 Collab.w/ Community Partners (10%) Explain Partnership(s) Letter from Local OVRS Branch Manager Letters of Support From Agencies


23 Budget Accurately determine and calculate FTE Cost effective Evidence of fiscal management oversight Accurately calculate match Clarify with a budget narrative

24 BUDGET See handouts The most important feature of this piece of the puzzle is ACCURACY!!! Anticipate possible increases in wages. See handouts The most important feature of this piece of the puzzle is ACCURACY!!! Anticipate possible increases in wages.

25 The Match Game How is the match calculated

26 ORDER OF SELECTION "I sense something, a presence I've not felt since [1994]“ Darth Vador "Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them." Darth Vador "You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can't, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don't give up." Chuck Yeager "I sense something, a presence I've not felt since [1994]“ Darth Vador "Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them." Darth Vador "You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can't, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don't give up." Chuck Yeager

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