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Peter Johnston European Commission, DG Information Society Impacts of RTD in the IST key action on “New methods of work and eCommerce” on EU policy File:PDJ.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Johnston European Commission, DG Information Society Impacts of RTD in the IST key action on “New methods of work and eCommerce” on EU policy File:PDJ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Johnston European Commission, DG Information Society Impacts of RTD in the IST key action on “New methods of work and eCommerce” on EU policy File:PDJ PPTs/6th FP Planning : PDJ Impacts on policy 13-6-02

2 Key policy areas  The “Lisbon Strategy” and eEurope Action Plans  Sustainable development;  Enlargement  Single market and competition policies;  Regional and rural development  International co-operation

3 The Lisbon strategy and eEurope Action plans  Secure networks and smart cards;  Participation and flexibility in work;  Accelerating eCommerce;  Monitoring and benchmarking change;  Preparing eEurope 2005

4 Secure networks and smart cards  The “Smart card Forum”; The FINREAD initiative : Embedded FINREAD; Trusted FINREAD; C-TRAVEL; FINREAD showcase  The “Dependability Forum” - - Attack tolerance; European Centre for Emergency Response Team (CERT); The European Warning and Information System (EWIS)  Privacy-enhancing technologies : e-Forum on privacy in the information society;  Network security : Critical information infrastructures; Cybercrime - identification; authentification and biometrics

5 Participation and flexibility in work  Identification and assessment of new methods of work: ECATT; SIBIS; - EuroBarometer;  Definitions and guidelines for the “Social dialogue” - ETUC-UNICE-SMEs on the Framework agreement on Telework;  e-Inclusion strategies and policies : STAR; eGAP; WWW-ICT; and FLEXWORK  Quality of work : “Quality for Change” : SIBIS - Adaptability Index  Globalisation and relocation: EMERGENCE

6 Adaptability of work : SIBIS July 2001

7 Better jobs for Internet users

8 Accelerating eCommerce  The “Go Digital Initiative” - with DGs for Regional development; Enterprise, Employment and Education/culture.  The focus on SMEs;  Consumer protection and privacy;  Digital rights management;  The eCommerce legislative and fiscal framework;  Food safety and traceability.  Rural development

9 Monitoring and benchmarking change  In-depth research to identify and understand the new indicators for the knowledge society - SIBIS, EMERGENCE, STILE…  Research on effective and accurate data collection and analysis - with EUROSTAT;  Measuring change ahead of the capabilities of formal National Statistical systems, and in more depth than is possible with the EUROBAROMETER surveys.  Assessing the qualitative aspects of change and best-practice;

10 eWork is important for all networked knowledge work

11 Preparing eEurope 2005 : An information society for all A favourable environment for investment; the creation of new jobs; to boost productivity, to modernize public services, and to give everyone an opportunity to participate in the global information society.  Modern on-line public services : eGovernment, eHealth and eLearning;  A dynamic eBusiness environment;  Widespread availability of broadband access at competitive prices;  A secure information infrastructure

12 Sustainable development  Preparing the Goteborg Summit : June 2001;  “Environmental technologies” for sustainable development;  Towards a global partnership - the World Summit on Sustainable development;  Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

13 The EU Sustainable Development Strategy A strong focus on research, innovation and technology development in addressing both social and environmental challenges, for sustainable development with growth and competitiveness.  A strong link to the knowledge economy - The Lisbon Strategy;  Increased investment in research (3% of GDP by 2010); better co-ordination in the ERA; a stronger and more focused 6th FP.  A stronger partnership with business - with a n EU policy framework for Corporate Social Responsibility and Triple- bottom-line reporting;  Intelligent use of energy, transport, buildings and cities: An “energy intelligent Europe”; “intelligent transport systems”; Further promotion of eWork with accelerated investments in next-generation communications infrastructures and services.

14 “Environmental technologies” Not just end-of-pipe technologies, and “clean energy” supply-technologies, but technologies that can enable process and structural change - Notably ICT as enablers of eBusiness, eWork, eCommerce and eGovernment; An Action Plan with:  A stronger focus on research and innovation in the ERA;  Opportunities for substitution and structural change;  A focus on energy efficiency; rational use of transport, and sustainable cities.

15 Towards a global partnership for sustainable development : at the WSSD  Recognising the importance of technological progress and network-based globalisation;  De-coupling resource-use from growth : global co-operation in “energy saving, improved energy efficiency and clean technologies”;  Support for entrepreneurs and “capacity building”, including access to knowledge and the ability to assimilate new technologies;  Partnerships with business and civil society;  More research on sustainable development options, including on “cheap communication tools and appropriate, clean and efficient technologies”

16 Governance and Corporate social responsibility  White paper on “European Governance” July 2001; Network governance models and de-centralization.  Developing the “eCommission” : Telework; e-Procurement; secure networking, and “open-source software”  The policy framework for Corporate Social Responsibility:  The green paper : July 2001  ICT leadership : Workshop Nov 2001 - GeSI; GRI;  Roadmaps for IP research : I-TRUST; NESKEY  Policy proposals : July 2002

17 EnlargementEnlargement  A high level of participation from NAS in IST KA II research;  Support for conferences and workshops in the NAS to disseminate research results and stimulate eBusiness, eWork and eCommerce;

18 Other policies Single market and competition:  Digital Rights Management  Legislative framework for eBusinesses and eCommerce;  Financial Services Action Plan: Secure payments, Investment Forum, and CSR Regional and rural development  Mainstreaming eBusiness and eWork in the ERDF  Mainstreaming ICT in rural development/CAP reform  Supporting Structural investments with research results International co-operation  EU/US NSF - social and economic research on the eSociety  EU/US-DARPA - Attack tolerance and network dependability  EU/China - KAII workshop 11/01; IST Conf 4/02

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