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West Midlands TravelWise Travel Planning Seminar Rethinking Commuting Richard White Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

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1 West Midlands TravelWise Travel Planning Seminar Rethinking Commuting Richard White Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council



4 Car parking problems around site, negative impact on local community Also…

5 And this! Poor quality cycling facilities – would you use these?

6 What is a travel plan? A package of measures produced by employers to encourage staff to use alternatives to single-occupancy car-use. It can offer real benefits, not only to the organisation and its employees, but also the community and environment that surrounds it. Typically, the plan will include initiatives such as car sharing, discounted public transport tickets, cycle parking or a personalised plan for your journey. It will be specific to your location and should take into account the nature of your business, existing travel behaviour and the types of journey that your workforce makes.

7 To begin… Senior Management buy-in is CRUCIAL Management should be leading by example! Funding the Travel Plan. Securing the release of staff time for work on the Travel Plan. Supporting changes in working practices.

8 Why? We need to move away from this – hierarchical car parking, a relic from a bygone age (and a waste of space!)

9 So…. We can then move towards this!!!

10 And this! A cyclist’s user group, meeting to resolve issues and getting involved with the Travel Plan

11 And maybe this (eventually)

12 First tasks Get to know the workforce (numbers in each department or team, any cyclists or walkers?) Get to know your work site (where people enter/exit, where people eat / drink / socialise) Get to know the local area around the workplace (local streets Will help to build ideas on what can and cannot be done…

13 Making the case Identify potential savings, costs and income streams. In some circumstances a Travel Plan can pay for itself – i.e. car parking charges / reduced business mileage claims. Travel Plan could also be linked to high level objectives – health and well-being, corporate social responsibility, environmental policies such as ISO14001 accreditation.ISO14001 accreditation

14 What are the benefits?

15 Involve all staff members! Set up transport groups for different modes. Bicycle User Group, Walking Action Group, Public Transport User Group, Motorcycle User Group and Car Share Club. Opportunity for staff to discuss and share experiences, Regular meetings, online forums… Taking ownership of the Travel Plan process. But you can’t change everyone…certain types of people will be set in their ways. Concentrate on those who can change…

16 Partnerships West Midlands TravelWise – can provide information on other organisations in your area that have developed Travel Plans, sharing good practice. Other organisations, the local community and the local authority - key to a successful Travel Plan….companies located on a business park collaborating to produce shared travel information and marketing materials. Enables a common voice during negotiations with transport providers and local authorities.

17 Any questions? You can also email me at: (0121 569 4894)

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