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Spanish Photovoltaic Development 6 & 7th October 2005 Catania Lucía Dólera Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Photovoltaic Development 6 & 7th October 2005 Catania Lucía Dólera Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Photovoltaic Development 6 & 7th October 2005 Catania Lucía Dólera Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica

2 Phovoltaic Solar Energy in Spain. Historical

3 Historical PV Stages in Spain 1994-1995 Toledo PV 1999 Renewable Promotion Plan (PFER) 2004 RD 436/2004 STAGE 1 -Off Grid: Subsidies -Connected: exceptional -Off Grid: Subsidies -Connected: Subsidies + Feed in tariff -Off Grid: with subsidies -Connected: Financing + Feed in tariff 1990 2005 Renewable Plan (PFER) 1998 RD 2818/1998 STAGE 3 STAGE 2

4 First Stage (1990…1999): –Grid connected instalations: Excepcional –Off Grid : Subsidies Second Stage (1999…2004): –Grid connected instalations: Subsidies, Financing (ICO-IDAE from 2002), Feed in Tariff –Off Grid : Subsidies Third Stage (2005….): –Grid connected instalations: Financing (ICO-IDAE), Feed in Tariff –Off Grid : Subsidies Historical PV Stages in Spain

5 PV Economical System. Comparative INCOME RD 2818/1998 INCOME RD 436/2004 Years ? Feed in Tariff until 50MW installed in Spain

6 PV Economical System. Stage 2 (1998-2004) ? Feed in Tariff until 50MW installed in Spain ICO-IDAE subsidies and from 2002 financing… Additional help Cumulative income with RD 2818/1998

7 ICO-IDAE Financing… Pay back ~12 years Additional help PV Economical System RD 436/2004. Stage 3 Cumulative income with RD 436/2004

8 Feed in tariff drop RD 436 vs RD 2818 RD 2818/1998, maximum feed in tariff up to 5 kW RD 436/2004, maximum feed in tariff up to 100 kW PV Inverter Capacity (kW) Feed in Tariff (first 25 years)

9 Targets Plan de Fomento de las Energías –PFER- 1999 vs Plan de Energías Renovables –PER- 2005

10 Capacity Targets: PFER 1999 vs PER 2005

11 - Photovoltaic approved projects (2001 to 2004) Results from the ICO-IDAE PV line - Comparative results from the ICO-IDAE line (2003 & 2004)

12 »The Spanish market presents a continuos rapid growth sustained at the 50% P.A. level. The prospects for the next future as per the Plan de Energías Renovables 2005-2010 –PER-, look forward for additional continuos growth at even higher levels. »During the last years, a direct correlation between the amount given by the ICO-IDAE and the actual MW installed in Spain in each period, can be observed. This is a clear indication of the key-role played by this state support instrument. »The role of ICO-IDAE should continue in different desings adapted to the new times to continue being a key instrument in our success of being part of the global efforts of developing this clean new way of doing electricity. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Final Considerations

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