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Skeletal System.

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1 Skeletal System

2 Divisions of the Skeleton
Axial skeleton consists of 74 bones that form the upright axis of the body and 6 tiny middle ear bones Appendicular skeleton consists of 126 bones that form the shoulder girdles, arms, wrists, and hands and the hip girdles, legs, ankles and feet.


4 Axial Skeleton

5 The Skull 28 irregularly shaped bones Two major divisions
Cranium (brain case) 8 bones All cranial bones are unpaired except for the parietal and temporal bones Face 14 bones All of the face bones are paired except the mandible and vomer

6 Hyoid Bone Single U-shaped bone in neck Just above the voice box
Only bone in the body that does not articulate with any other bones

7 Vertebral Column Longitudinal axis of the skeleton
24 vertebrae, sacrum and coccyx Forward, backward and sideways movement

8 Vertebral Column 7 Cervical vertebrae (neck) 12 Thoracic vertebrae
5 Lumbar vertebrae (small of the back) Sacrum (5 separate vertebrae that are fused in adults) Coccyx (4 or 5 fused vertebrae)


10 Axis Atlas Atlas and Axis Second cervical vertebrae
Dens joins axis to atlas Atlas and axis allow the head to turn from side to side Atlas First cervical vertebrae Supports the skull

11 Sternum Consists of three bones Manubrium Body Xiphoid Process

12 Ribs Protect the vital organs of the torso
Ribs one through seven connect directly to the sternum (true ribs) Ribs eight through 10 connect to costal cartilage (false ribs) Ribs 11 and 12 only connect to the back (floating ribs)

13 Ribs and Sternum

14 Appendicular Skeleton

15 Shoulder Girdle (Pectoral Girdle)

16 Bones of the Arm (Anterior View)

17 Bones of the Arm (Posterior View)

18 Bones of the Hand

19 The Pelvic Girdle Supports the trunk and attaches the lower extremities In early life each coxal bone is made up of three separate bones which later fuse to form one large bone Ilium Ischium Pubis

20 Right Coxal Bone

21 The Female Pelvis

22 Male Pelvis is deep and funnel shaped with a narrow subpubic angle
Female pelvis is shallow, broad, and flaring with a wider subpubic angle



25 The Foot


27 Bone Fractures Partial or complete break in the continuity of a bone
Open fracture (compound fracture) the broken bone projects through the skin Closed fracture (simple fracture) does not break the skin

28 Bone Fractures


30 Abnormal Spine Curvatures

31 Curvatures a. Lordosis – “sway back” b. Kyphosis – “rounded back”
c. Scoliosis - “ lateral – sideways”

32 Spine Curvature Convex through the thoracic region
Concave through the lumbar region scoliosis

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