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01/04/2009 Michael Khanimov Amir Taub Roi Oron. T HE C ONCEPT Trivipedia gadget offers you 2 interactive games: Classic trivia: match the person's name.

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1 01/04/2009 Michael Khanimov Amir Taub Roi Oron

2 T HE C ONCEPT Trivipedia gadget offers you 2 interactive games: Classic trivia: match the person's name to his description. Friends vs Seinfeld: recognize where the quote is taken from. All the questions are auto generated from Wikipedia database.

3 A RCHITECTURE Google Appengine Post entry TAU nova server Dump Name Rating Downloading dump…Parsing…

4 A RCHITECTURE – C ONT. CountryIP address Picture App engine QuestionStatistics iGoogle gadget

5 N EW F EATURES Algorithm - Level of Difficulties: Recognizing: the user’s country by IP. Categorizing: the different people by their nationality. Matching: between user’s contry and the national categories. Retrieving: person’s rating from Yahoo! Machine learning: saving former success rate for each person. Retrieving picture from Google TAU nova server Progress Bar Parsing “Friends vs. Seinfeld” quotes: Encapsulating characters’ names by creating names bank.

6 T ECHNOLOGIES Google App Engine (JSON objects) GQL Database Yahoo! Web search API Crontab on TAU nova server Retrieving picture from Google search engine Google client location API

7 C HALLENGES Many hard “starts” of languages and technologies. Parsing Wikipedia’s xml. Creating Level of difficulties and choosing interesting people. Creating a friendly, simple and usable GUI. Google app engine limits.

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