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Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich FCAL Workshop in Munich W. Lohmann, DESY The 14 mrad X-angle, two IPs The push-pull option The next calendar dates Where we are.

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Presentation on theme: "Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich FCAL Workshop in Munich W. Lohmann, DESY The 14 mrad X-angle, two IPs The push-pull option The next calendar dates Where we are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich FCAL Workshop in Munich W. Lohmann, DESY The 14 mrad X-angle, two IPs The push-pull option The next calendar dates Where we are with FCAL

2 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich The new IR scheme

3 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich Detector hall Beam Delivery for two IPs

4 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich accessible during run (rad worker) accessible during run (GERT) not accessible during run The push-pull option fence Platform for electronic and services (~10*8*8m). Shielded (~0.5m of concrete) from five sides. Moves with detector. Also provide vibration isolation.

5 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich The next calendar dates EUDET annual meeting Oct. 18-20 ECFA workshop, November 6-10 ACFA WS, Beijing, February 2007 We have to report about our results after the first year, and to write a report Draft (final) of the DCR (will be published end of 2006 together with the machine RDR) prepare ourselfs, FCAL meeting before? LCWS,Hamburg, June 2007

6 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich Where are we with FCAL -We worked out an advanced design for several crossing angles, 2, 20, 14 mrad; -this design is part of the LDC, (partly also for SiD, GLD) concepts -we got an encouraging statement by the PRC -we have new members and extended our scope – GamCal to analyse photons (welcome Bill Morse) -we founded a Collaboration -we are part of EUDET, EUROTEV However: many questions still not answered

7 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich Current design (Example LDC, 14 mrad): Luminometer BeamCal TPC ECAL HCAL -Background on LumiCal ? - Background in the inner Detector? Technology: Tungsten/Si (C) sandwich

8 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich A few topics to be thought Selection of Bhabha events: Energy selection cut At which energy this cut has to be put? -Theoretical uncertainty -Energy scale uncertainty

9 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich A few topics to be thought The Bhabha cross section depends on the polarisation How well is this understood? -higher order corrections - considered in the Monte Carlo

10 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich A few topics to be thought Electron detection efficiency: Algorithm relies on constant bunch charge Look on Dumping Rings How stable is this mechanism? -Bunch-to-bunch fluctuations (Contact to machine people )

11 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich Simulations Progress: -GEANT4 simulation of LumiCal, new geometry -4f background in LumiCal -Beam-diagnostics with GamCal, BeamCal Topics: - GamCal design - Reconstruction of Bhabha events from clusters - How influence radiative effects for a given detector the uncertainty of the measurement - Optimised segmentation/structure for LumiCal - Realistic readout scheme, - More realistic BeamCal simulation - Backscatterd background

12 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich Sensors and Readout Progress: -testbeam studies: performance as a function of the absobed dose, for the first time done up to a few MGy - Laser alignment - first experience with the Phy3 chip - First experience with GaAs, very soon large prototypes Topics: -continue studies of diamond sensors, GaAs -Si sensor studies (to learn to work with them). -Assembly of full sensor planes  prototype test. -Readout electronics design for the prototype O(1000) channels. -Concept for the readout electronics -very critical issue !

13 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich This meeting at MPI -Reports on many topics mentioned -Discussions on ‘critical’ issues -More responsibilities to subgroups (simulation, electronics, sensors) -periodic reviews of milestones (PRC, EUDET) -conferences, LC notes, publications…

14 Octobre 17 2006MPI Munich

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