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INFORMATION Information Packs, Construction Phase Plans and Health and Safety Files.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION Information Packs, Construction Phase Plans and Health and Safety Files."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION Information Packs, Construction Phase Plans and Health and Safety Files

2 Aim To provide every designer and every contractor who has been or is likely to be appointed, with sufficient information to ensure that significant risks can be anticipated and planned for. Information Pack

3 To Designers during their: – Bidding process – Design process To Contractors during their: –Bidding process –Planning process –Management process Information - When

4 Regulations Client -10(1) & 15(1) Designer -11(6) Co-ordinators -20(2) Information - Who

5 Do not state the obvious. Include ACOP app 2: Existing H & S File Information Site specific hazards Survey results Client / Building Control / Planning requirements Programmes / deadlines Services Information - Content

6 Client Duty to: Identify project specific hazards Decide what information is needed Obtain the information Produce & distribute the Information Pack (again and again) Information – How? (non – notifiable)

7 Client duty to instruct the Co-ordinator to produce & distribute the Information Co-ordinator’s duty to: Identify project specific hazards Decide what information is needed Obtain the information Manage & distribute the Information (often) Information – How? (notifiable)

8 Day one – Framework & Index Managed & when sufficient released for: Design tenders Design work Contractors tenders Managed & amended for construction activities Relevant information to the H & S File Information – How? (notifiable)


10 More emphasis on managing the provision of information Whole project duty Will require more resource INFORMATION Changes to existing P.S role

11 Construction Phase H & S Plan Health and Safety File INFORMATION – Summary Notifiable

12 Aim To ensure that the construction phase is planned, managed and monitored, in a way which enables the construction work to be carried out without risk to health or safety. CONSTRUCTION PHASE HEATH & SAFETY PLAN

13 Regulations Client - 16(a) & (b) Principal Contractor - 23 Co-ordinators - 20(1) 20(1)(c)(ii) CONSTRUCTION PHASE HEATH & SAFETY PLAN –Who?

14 Contents ACOP app 3: Description of project Management arrangements Arrangements for controlling significant site risks Arrangements for gathering information for the Health & Safety File CONSTRUCTION PHASE HEATH & SAFETY PLAN

15 Information (Pack) Client satisfaction Execution & management CONSTRUCTION PHASE HEATH & SAFETY PLAN – How?

16 Changes to the existing requirements and format No duty on Co-ordinator to ensure that the plan is in place CONSTRUCTION PHASE HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN

17 Summary P.C. produces & manages Client ensures suitability & availability No significant changes in content Co-ordinator assists Client & P. C. Must be in-place before construction starts Constant review & revision CONSTRUCTION PHASE HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN

18 Aim To contain the information needed to allow future construction work & maintenance to be carried out safely and to be safely used as a workplace HEALTH & SAFETY FILE

19 Only for notifiable projects As soon as relevant information is available Handed to Client at the end of the project HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE – When?

20 Regulation Client -17 Designer -18(2) Principal Contractor - 22(1)(j) Contractor -19(2)(d) Co-ordinator - 20(1)(a) 20(2)(e) & (f) HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE – Who?

21 ACOP Chap 8. Brief description of work carried out Residual hazards & controls Key structural principles Hazardous materials & significant materials Significant services As built information and drawings HEALTH AND SAFTY FILE - Contents

22 Co-ordinators: Decide what information is needed Obtain the information Produce Deliver to the Client HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE – How?

23 Changes to existing requirements & format. Client Duty of Care to manage the file post completion Inclusion of information relating to safe use of the facility HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE

24 Co-ordinator duty to produce Client duty to manage post completion Significant change in content – USE Co-ordinator assists Client & P. C. HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE- Summary

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