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DEL updates Amy Blondin, DEL Government & Community Relations Manager Nicole Rose, DEL PreK-3 and ECEAP Administrator Washington State Head Start/ECEAP.

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Presentation on theme: "DEL updates Amy Blondin, DEL Government & Community Relations Manager Nicole Rose, DEL PreK-3 and ECEAP Administrator Washington State Head Start/ECEAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEL updates Amy Blondin, DEL Government & Community Relations Manager Nicole Rose, DEL PreK-3 and ECEAP Administrator Washington State Head Start/ECEAP Training Consortium Directors Retreat July 9, 2014

2 Today  ECEAP updates  WAC and performance standards revisions  Background checks  Expedited licensing  Preschool work group  2015-17 preschool budget request  Other DEL updates Federal preschool grant competition Early Achievers updates 2015-17 agency requests (budget and policy) Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships grant Licensing rules

3 ECEAP WAC update  Parts of ECEAP Performance Standards Sections B and C are in WAC  WAC revisions include: Legislation passed in 2014: −Families involved in Child Protective Services and Family Assessment Response are eligible & prioritized Title changes and additional qualification options for some job roles (standards) Updated expectations about PDPs

4 Revised ECEAP Performance Standards  Changes for 2014-15 school year  Eligibility and prioritization  Meals and snacks  Staff roles and qualifications  Adult to child ratio to 1:10  Clean-up: Guidelines, Teaching Strategies GOLD®, DECA

5 ECEAP Portable Background Checks  Staff with unsupervised access to children  Estimated timeline:  New contractors: July 1, 2015  Phase-in for existing contractors throughout the 2015-16 school year  Developing the PBC process in partnership with licensing

6 Expedited licensing  DEL will pilot an ECEAP expedited licensing process  Licensors and Pre-K Specialists will work together to assess basic health and safety requirements such as:  Safe facilities, equipment and materials  Adult to child ratio (if children are present)  Infectious disease prevention  Playground safety

7 Expedited licensing visit will also include…  Review of some ECEAP contractor requirements:  Eligibility and enrollment practices to ensure compliance with ECEAP and WCCC eligibility policies and procedures  ECEAP Contractor responsibilities from the ECEAP contract  Contractors’ plan for monitoring sites, including subcontractors  Technical assistance related to: −Participation status in Early Achievers −Early Achievers, Teaching Strategies GOLD® and ELMS data −CLASS, ERS, coaching and data −Preschool expansion and full day model implementation needs

8 Fire marshal timelines  Rated in Early Achievers prior to Oct. 5, 2014:  Must complete a request for inspection by Nov. 15, 2014  Not rated prior to Oct. 15, 2014:  Must complete a request for inspection by Feb. 15, 2015  Sites located in public school buildings that have passed an inspection within the last 6 months:  Must submit a copy of that inspection to DEL within the timelines stated in bullets above.

9 ECEAP expansion  New full school day: 1,040  Converted full school day: 352  New extended day: 310  Converted extended day: 224

10 Preschool expansion operational work group  Composed of applicant recipients, ELAC rep  Develop future preschool model components:  Differentiated family support and engagement services  Evidence-based parent and children’s curricula

11 Caseload forecast

12  FY14 Appropriations : $250 million to support states to build, develop and expand voluntary, high-quality preschool programs for children from low- and moderate- income families.  Two types of grants: Development Grants: Low-capacity states with small or no state-funded preschool programs Expansion Grants: High-capacity states that have a larger state-funded preschool program (Washington would apply for this one) Federal preschool grant competition

13  Funding bands based on population of 4-year- olds from families at 200% FPL and below  State must identify high-need communities  Subgrant at least 90% of funds to implement preschool services in one or more high-need community  No more than 10% for infrastructure and quality improvements Funding

14 What this could mean for Washington  Washington is eligible for the Expansion Grant  Up to $70 million for expansion over the next four years  Application process  Anticipate the application will be released in August

15 Early Achievers update

16 DEL 2015-17 legislative requests  Potential policy bills include:  Clean up of Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) language  Required use of electronic subsidy system  Strengthening Early Achievers language in our statute  Allowing ECEAP programs to go through expedited licensing process to reduce duplication in standards/monitoring  Potential budget requests include:  Sustain Early Achievers  Expand ECEAP toward statutory entitlement  Additional funding for home visiting, ESIT

17 Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships

18 Updated licensing rules  Revised the definition of “preschool-age child” in licensed care to: Allow greater flexibility in grouping children near the cutoff between preschool age and school-age (Include children through age 6 not in kindergarten) Allow providers to move ambulatory infants into mixed age groups based on the child’s development and individual needs.

19 Questions? Stay connected! 19

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