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4th class: Shared Rule: Comparing Different Governmental Systems in Federal States Thomas Fleiner Prof. Thomas Fleiner*/ Prof. Dr. Lidija R. Basta Fleiner.

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Presentation on theme: "4th class: Shared Rule: Comparing Different Governmental Systems in Federal States Thomas Fleiner Prof. Thomas Fleiner*/ Prof. Dr. Lidija R. Basta Fleiner."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th class: Shared Rule: Comparing Different Governmental Systems in Federal States Thomas Fleiner Prof. Thomas Fleiner*/ Prof. Dr. Lidija R. Basta Fleiner Theories and Praxis on Peace, Federalism, and Human Rights 3 rd Week: Federal Institutional Principles and Designs.

2 Shared Rule Self Rule C o n s t i t u t i o n Basic Elements of Federalism

3 Democratic Governance Federal Governance Good Governance

4 Principles DemocracyRule of Law Fundamental Rights

5 Three Governmental Systems: Presidential System Westminter Type System Directorial System Semipresi- dential

6 United Kingdom Westminster Parliament

7 Basic Concept of Governmental Systems Parliament Head of State Executive

8 Parliament Head of State Executive

9 Parliament Head of State Executive

10 Crown Lords Commons

11 Crown Lords Commons

12 Crown Lords Commons

13 Primemisister-Cabinett Lords Crown Westminster

14 System Head of State Cabinet Parliament Prime-min. People Intergovernmental Relationship Judiciary

15 Congress HouseSenat President Supreme Court USA Legislative sovereingty Executive sovereignty Judiciary sovereignty Checks and Balances

16 USA Competitive Federalism Federation v. States

17 Federal Government Leg Jud Exe State Government LegExeJud Federal Issues - Citizen - State Issues

18 One Person One Vote Nation One Canton One Vote Federal Diet National Council State Council Federal Council Lobbies Parties Challenge for all Institutions Conflict Management Education (semi-)direct democracy initiative - Referendum Federal Tribunals

19 Switzerland Vertical separation Executive Federalism

20 People and States Federation Canton Commune Implementaiong Implementation Implemementation Implem. Right to vote

21 Council Head of States States Council of Ministers Parliament Peoples Presi- dent Commission President Foreign Aff. European Union People(‘s?) of the Union?

22 Forms of Federal Executives and Legislatures in Selected Federations

23 Federat ion Executive Legislature Head of Government Head Fe- deration Bicameral unic. Leg. Austr.CabinetPrime Mini.MonarchBicamer. AustriaCabinetChancellorEl. Presid.Bicamer. Belgi.CabinetPrime Mini.MonarchBicamer. CanadaCabinetPrime. Mini.MonarchBicamer. Germa.CabinetChancellorPres. El. Assembly Bicamer. Malays.CabinetPrime.Min.Sel. Her. rulers Bicamer. SpainCabinetPrime.Min.MonarchBicamer. CHFixed term Exec.Dire. Rot. Pres. Bicamer. USSep. Pres. Congress PresidentPres. Elected Bicamer.

24 Variations in Selection, Composition and Powers of Second Chambers S. Watts

25 SelectionCompositionPowersRole App. By Fed. Gov. CA Mal. 63% Seats Equal Regio. Repr. CA Absol Veto Mediation US, CH Legislature CH; US, AT AU MY App. By F.Gv. Nom. Provinc. Equ. St. Re. AU, US,CH Abs. Veto f. some Leg. Legis.; int. Gvt Rel ZA App. State Gov. GE 2 Cat. Of St. Repres. CH Susp. Veto time ES MY Interpret. Const. Ethi. Ind. El. State legis. AT IN MY Weighed. St. Repr. AU. IN. Susp.Veto GE Dir.El. Simpl. Plur. CH, US Weighed St. Repr. IN, AT Deadlock: joint Sitting Dir. El. Prop. AU Ad.repr.for other IN,MY Deadlock: Diss. Joint Sit. Choice left to Cantons CH Min. reg. repr. ES,BE Money Bill Sus Veto IN,My Mixed. BE.ES, MY Repr. Nation Ehtiop. Judic. Funct. Ethiop.

26 Concluding Remarks

27 Major Issues Democratic participation of the people Democratic accountability Horizontal and vertical Checks and Ba- lances / Separation of powers Transparency including participation Rule of Law Participation of federal units and People’s

28 Major Challenges Parties, Parliament and election Checks and Balances Independence of Judiciary local and federal Nation and Nation-Building One or two chambers? Democratic governance versus Federal governance

29 Different Legal Systems Common Law Continental Law

30 Nation and Legitimacy Authority of the State Federalism and the interest of cultural communities Layers of Government Second Class State Constitution and its Function Constitution Making Limit or empower Government Distribution of Powers legislative vacuum Empowerment of local Government

31 Legal Systems Judiciary and Administration of Federal Law Unitary or Parallel legal systems Independence of Judiciary Legal Dualism of Civil Law countries Limited Powers of Administrative Courts No writ of mandamus What powers for implementing federal law

32 Different “federal” solutions With regard to the Judiciary: Structure of the Judiciary: Federal – State Courts (USA) Federalized Judiciary (Switzerland) Centralized Judiciary (Germany) Jurisdiction with regard to federal laws: Constitutional review of cases USA Abstract review (Germany, Spain) Limited jurisdiction (Switzerland) Not to forget: International Jurisdiction namely European Court of Human Rights

33 Access to Justice Fundamental Right of Federal Constitution Decision of Federal Legislature Decision of local legislature Common law writs Access based on Human Rights Universal Human Rights Different Rights on Federal and Local level? Access by the legislature

34 Independence of Judiciary Power and Jurisdiction of the Courts Common Law: Power and Jurisdiction of Courts determined by common law Civil Law: Power and Jurisdiction determined By legislation: Federal Legislation only Federal and Local legislation Independence of Judges Federal and local solution for election and re- election of Judges Implementation of verdicts: Common Law: Contempt of Court Civil Law: Implementation by administration


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