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The rights quiz 2006 a good year for improving outcomes for children and young people in England?

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Presentation on theme: "The rights quiz 2006 a good year for improving outcomes for children and young people in England?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The rights quiz 2006 a good year for improving outcomes for children and young people in England?

2 Being healthy What % of children and young people have mental health problems requiring professional help in England? A. 1% B. 11% C. 40% Answer: B – 11%

3 The rate of teenage pregnancies is: A. The highest in Western Europe B. In the middle C. The lowest in Western Europe Answer: A – the highest

4 Staying safe How many children and young people die in the home each year because of neglect or abuse from someone they know well? A.About 10 a year (one a month) B. About 80 a year (between one and two a week) C. About 360 a year (about one a day) Answer: B – about 80 a year, or up to 2 a week

5 Which is the biggest killer of 12-16 year olds in England? A.Childhood diseases B. Murder C. Traffic Answer: C – traffic

6 Who said conditions in our young offender institutions are “unacceptable in a civilised society” and “institutionalised child abuse.” A.The Chief Inspector of Prisons B. The Howard League for Penal Reform C. The Home Secretary Answer: A

7 How many young people have died in youth custody since 1990? A.29 B. 12 C. 2 Bonus question: how many public enquiries into these deaths has the Home Secretary put in place? Answer: A – 29 and no public enquiry

8 How many young people ended up in prison for breaching their anti-social behaviour orders between January and June 2005? A.0 – ASBOs are not a criminal conviction B. 328 C. 3280 Answer: B

9 Enjoying and achieving 9880 children and young people were permanently excluded from school in 2005. What number of those were 11 years old or under? A.1,270 (about 13%) B. 127 (1.3%) C. 12 (.13%) Answer: A – about 13%

10 What % of school exclusions are for children and young people with special educational needs? A.13% B. 63% C. 3% Answer: B – 63%

11 Local authorities are the legal parent of about 40,000 children and young people. What % leave the care of the local authority with no GCSEs or GNVQs? A. 57% B. 71% C. 10% Answer: A– 57%(improved from 71%)

12 What is the average weekly education given to 15-17 year olds in prison? A.About 25 hours – what most young people receive B. About 40 hours– they have more time in prisons C. About 8 hours Answer: C – about 8 hours (S562 Ed Act 96 denies the right to education to those in prison

13 Economic well-being The UK is the fifth richest country in the world, yet what % of our children and young people live in relative poverty? A.34% (3.8 million) B. 50% (5.5 million) C. 10% (1.1 million) Answer: A – 34% (An increase for the first time in 10 years and up from 32% in 2005

14 What’s the life expectancy gap at birth between rich and poor in England? A.5 years B. 15 years C. 55 years Answer: B – 15 years

15 Asylum seeking families get what level of benefits as other poor families? A.The same – asylum seeking children have the same rights in law B. About 30% more due to their exceptional needs C. About 30% less Answer: C – 30% less

16 Making a positive contribution In a recent consultation what % of children and young people said they had little or no say in how things were run where they live and that their opinions made little or no difference at all? A.55% B. 75% C. 86% Answer: C – 86%

17 Improving outcomes for children and young people in England? In 2006, Government made progress on how many of the 78 recommendations to fulfil its legal obligations to children and young people under the Convention on the Rights of the Child? A.All 78 – excellent progress B. About 50 – some progress C. 12 – poor progress and worse than last year Answer: C

18 Improving outcomes for children and young people in England? In a recent UNICEF study across developed nations of the world, growing up in Britain ranked: A.In the top third of countries B. In the middle third C. In the bottom third Answer: C – Britain ranked last out of 21 nations across an average of 40 indicators

19 Improving outcomes for children and young people in England? “Children and young people’s human rights are not a pick and mix assortment of luxury entitlements, but the very foundation of democratic societies.” Alvaro Gil-Robles, Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner All information from: State of Children’s Rights in England, November 2007

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